new to trsquel

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Joined: 09/29/2012

so ive been a ubuntu user for a couple years, switched to debian then to arch linux for several months each... was interested to learn the trisquel is in full support of the free software movement and wanted to give it a go. Im hoping its a good solid system. just wanted to say hello to the community.

Joined: 04/19/2012

Hello and welcome. :)

I used Debian and Ubuntu for a few months before installing Trisquel. A lot of other people here probably have used other distributions as well.

Joined: 09/29/2012

well im happy to see a full gnu linux distro. i have grown fond of arch and had searched for an arch based distro but as parabola was the only on i found and hasnt had a release in a while i figured since im familiar with aptitude and ubuntu this wouldnt be a hard migration. I'd love to find ways to help with this project once i get it up n running ill do what ever i am able to do to help.

Magic Banana

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Joined: 07/24/2010

Parabola is constantly kept updated. It is called a rolling-release.

Joined: 09/17/2012

Welcome abroad. Trisquel is a fine operating system.

Joined: 09/29/2012

so just got it installed so far its very nice... full support for hardware other than my ati radeon however i know xf86 made a good version for my archlinux install so ill see if i can find a way to plug that one in and ill take a look around the forums to see if i can find a solution

Joined: 09/17/2011

Arch includes non-free firmware in order to get your ATI card to work.

You can't get it to work in Trisquel without installing non-free firmware.


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Joined: 07/27/2010

Yeah, what miga said. The awareness grade for the issues is very low, since there are so called open source drivers for Radeon cards. However they are pretty much useless without the non-free firmware they depend on (it is bundled with vanilla Linux, by which I mean the kernel itself). In Linux-libre, which Trisquel uses, all non-free parts are discarded. Now you can use the Radeon as is with disabled desktop effects and without any acceleration for video playback and with no way to run anything 3D, or buy a card that respects your freedom and has support through free drivers. AMD is unwilling to open the sources for the firmware because it would allow to work around their DRM easily.

Your best bets atm are either the integrated Intel graphicscards or the GeForce 9500GT, the revision that ThinkPenguin is selling. That card has the best compromise between performance and stability with the reverse engineered nouveau driver. Intel cards have official fully free drivers from Intel themselves though. I use the X4500 and it is very stable, runs KDE with several effects very fluently and even older 3D games run well (ironically, some native games from the repos are way over the X4500s head though).

If you want to go with the GeForce, please use the link to the ThinkPenguin shop that is found on the right side of the Trisquel website. It's If you use that link instead of just going to the page through google some percentage of the profits will be donated to this project.

Joined: 09/29/2012

yea wow was reading up on DRM and its hella disgusting. Sad to see that implented into hardware ill take a look at the think penguin site as im getting ready to build a new machine soon. right now im using an amd but i may as well look into those... this is another newbie question but what is the stand point on using kde over gnome since ive been getting used to using kde on what was my arch linux system.


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Joined: 01/11/2011

Both KDE and GNOME are free software. In the past there was a problem with KDE as it relied on Trolltech's Qt framework which was proprietary but now it is free software licensed (among others) under the LGPL.

Joined: 09/29/2012

yea unfortuantly at this momment school requires i use proprietary software but when i build my new machine ill be happy to have 100% libre and for now id like to help with development or in any other way i can this is such a great bit of software and im glad its made available. In what ways can i help out besides donations which i plan to make once payday rolls around?

Joined: 09/29/2012

i have and intel laptop that im gonna try installing trisquel as the primary os on at the momment but im unsure of how the broadcom support is i think i remember they have non free firmware but ill test it out n see im my beater laptop can function with it... took a look at the librethinkpenguin site and once im done with school ill probably invest in one as a work computer as im going into network security... so ill have an excuse to buy a nice new machine.

Joined: 09/17/2012

That is not a very good excuse much less a reason to buy a new computer. Computer hardware is just crap and more or less toxic waste. You can do especially network security labs with ages old comps having only text mode. Just saying. Though supporting ThinkPenguin is good but wasting your money is bad.

Joined: 09/29/2012

well that was mostly me making a funny... i do need to get a new computer anywho but the excuse part was just me bein me. anyhow i had a question... my beater laptops broadcom driver obviously wont work with trisquel. anyone have a suggestion of a wireless network usb card to get that would be compatible


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Joined: 04/23/2011

What matters is the chipset.

The following are supported under Trisquel: 8187, 8187B, and 8187L, and AR9170.

I'd reccomend the first three. The last one won't work on some free distributions out of the box. They could/should if the distribution maintainer makes a point to include the free firmware though. The other three don't require firmware and are in the mainline and libre kernels. As a result they work out of the box.

I'd recommend our adapter:

Penguin Wireless G USB Adapter for GNU / Linux

USB adapters don't all contain the same chipset so an adapter that came with the 8187B yesterday might ship with a different chipset today. This is frequently the case even where the box/seller/manufacturer advertise the chipset (sadly).

Joined: 05/13/2010

>In what ways can i help out besides donations which i plan to make once payday rolls around?

Here are listed some ways. Thanks for helping and welcome!

Joined: 09/17/2012

I heard ThinkPenguin sells good stuff. It is a very rare company to do so and all I can do is hope that it keeps doing so and recommend people to buy stuff from them because of those two reasons.