No mobile broadband (yet) with 3.5

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Joined: 11/21/2009

Awen is looking great, except I cant get my Huawei E220 USB dongle to work. It works without problems on Dwyn.

The modem is mounted as a cdrom device (dev/cdrom2). Network Manager doesn't pick it up at all. I have tried fiddling with usb-modeswitch and various udev rules. Simply unmounting/ejecting the device doesn't help either. As far as I can tell from 'buntu forums, this is inherited from karmic.

Any suggestions?



I am a translator!

Joined: 12/28/2009

I suggest you start a topic on the Ubuntu forums to find out any possible solutions, since as you say it is originally a problem from the Karmic Koala edition of Ubuntu.

Morten Juhl-Johansen Zölde-Fejér
Joined: 03/01/2010

On Sun, 7 Mar 2010 12:59:20 +0100 (CET)
name at domain wrote:

> Awen is looking great, except I cant get my Huawei E220 USB dongle to
> work. It works without problems on Dwyn.
> The modem is mounted as a cdrom device (dev/cdrom2). Network Manager
> doesn't pick it up at all. I have tried fiddling with usb-modeswitch
> and various udev rules. Simply unmounting/ejecting the device doesn't
> help either. As far as I can tell from 'buntu forums, this is
> inherited from karmic.

I echo this, I had the same experience with the newer release.
Never got a fix for it.

Morten Juhl-Johansen Zölde-Fejér * name at domain
Trisquel-users mailing list
name at domain


I am a member!

Joined: 11/21/2009

None of the advice I got from ubuntu forums solved this, but installing the modemmanager package did:-) It's working!

Joined: 01/24/2010

There's also another related issue in Karmic:

OpenVPN with 'TLS Certificates' authentication works on Hardy but not in Karmic (so i asume the same happens updating from Dwyn to Awen). The only way i found to fix it is changing authentication method to 'Password with TLS Certificates' and typing random strings on the new fields that appear =:-|



I am a translator!

Joined: 12/28/2009

If simply installing modemmanager is enough to fix this issue and enable mobile broadband, then this is an important package. I'm going to start an issue to request this package to be included in Trisquel's repos and automatically installed until the problem is fixed upstream in Ubuntu.


I am a member!

Joined: 11/21/2009

Excellent, thanks:-)
Just tested on a fresh install, and installing modemmanager is all it takes to make it work (at least with my E220 Huawei USB dongle). The package is in the trisquel repo, so having it installed by default would be nice.

Joined: 12/21/2004

Fixed in trisquel-base_3.5-1, thanks for the advice.