From a North American perspective
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(From a North American perspective)
The education system has been on the decline for a long time, and has been increasingly co-opted by corporate power. The education system is designed to manufacture docile servants to the plutocracy.
We are not encouraged to become well-balanced adults who inquire into many things and strive for connectedness and control.
Our technology has been designed to be a black-box which subjugates the users, while those who become trained in these technologies are cast away from the mainstream. We suffer from this, and many other compartmentalizations in our society.
Things are going to start moving very fast. The political landscape is changing rapidly as we are witnessing the rumblings of a nascent revolution in the world's most powerful country. This inevitable and necessary revolution prompts us with the opportunity to establish new better norms.
It is precisely in this time when the situation seems dire, with Google's power daunting, that we must embolden for a better world.
> Things are going to start moving very fast. The political landscape is changing rapidly as we are witnessing the rumblings of a nascent revolution in the world's most powerful country. This inevitable and necessary revolution prompts us with the opportunity to establish new better norms.
Surely there is an overwhelming feeling that tensions have risen to their upper limit. Many of them are fabricated but that does not mean they are more likely to ease.
The doomsday clock is now set at 100 seconds [1] and nothing seems to indicate it will be set back any time soon. How does one recover from doomsday? How realistic is the idea of establishing better norms, post doomsday, as desirable as they may be? Humankind has a well documented history of repeating its own mistakes.
EDIT: not sure this is the right place for this topic.
Thankfully, this is a clock that is capable of moving backwards. Besides, only god truly knows what time it is.
Nobody is denying that we are in a precarious situation. Trials, tribulations and calamities are before us.
This does not mean we are doomed.
Strangely, I have a profound feeling of optimism, which is peculiar because I have always been a pessimist. Hey, if nothing else we are living in extraordinary times. Our existence is something to marvel at.
Sorry, I did not intend to undermine your optimism in any way. I just cannot help noticing the gathering of the clouds with no reason to expect them to dissipate.
> Strangely, I have a profound feeling of optimism, which is peculiar because I have always been a pessimist.
Now that's interesting. I could somehow say the very opposite about myself.
> This does not mean we are doomed.
I thought we had always been doomed. Now I think about it, maybe you are right after all: the clock might in fact be showing the time before lunchtime.
The purpose of capitalist education is always to increase the value of labor force as a commodity and subsequently serve the capitalists.
Can I ask which country you are from?
"Working men have no country" - Communist Manifesto
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