The Open Thought Movement - A little comic I drew up
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Just a little comic I drew up about free software vs open source. I chose to handwrite the words, which is why it looks like chicken scratch. It was done in KolourPaint.
Lol, that was very cool ;) nice work.
Haha, sounds all too familiar!
I drew another one. slightly different style, and this one was done partly in KolourPaint and partly in Pinta. It's called "Pushing Your Beliefs":
I've also got a few more (I'll post them later): "Saves You Money", "Proselytizing", and "Feeds My Children".
Just great!
Perhaps someone with drawing skills (so I can't be this person) can give your comics a better outward appearance you know... without wanting to insult your own skills!
Yeah, I know my drawing skills suck. :P Of course, anyone is free to re-draw them.
Are you using a drawing tablet, a mouse, or a trackpad?
Mouse. I don't have a drawing tablet.
I think you can blame your drawing skills on your mouse, as it is not a precise thing to draw with.
Nah, I'm no good at drawing on paper, either. Besides, I compensated for the mouse being crap by zooming in after the first one (that's why it's so much neater).
Okay, but your comics only consist of lines and circles, so why don't you just grab inkscape or another vector graphic program and draw _perfect_ lines and circles?
Just an idea for your works in the future. It doesn't requiere more skills or effort than your current methode.
>I've also got a few more (I'll post them later): "Saves You Money", "Proselytizing", and "Feeds My Children".
How are they coming along? I am very interested in seeing them.
Right, I forgot about these. Meh, they're not as good as "Food Pirate". Anyway, here they are:
I think the last one is inspired by Brian from the Linux Action Show?
I think that's the one, yes. The guy that isn't on there anymore.
>Slavery feeds my children. You don't expect me to let my all of my children starve?
Sorry, but where is absurd logic? If I was slave-owner(or even worse - developer of proprietary software) I would said the same thing.
The absurd logic is in assuming that not doing whatever it is you're currently doing is going to mean your children are going to starve, that doing some good excuses bad behavior, and that some hypothetical person who can't possibly feed his children without doing something unethical deserves the right to do something unethical because of that. So, quite a lot of absurdity in what that guy from LAS said.
What do you mean not as good as FP ... these are awesome. You can make a living sharing these thoughts. The hand-drawn look is great, but it's the dialogs about mental aberrations in our world that is better than a 1/2 lecture!
that one was funny too, but I still think it's a little bit extremist to compare using non free software with whipping someone on the back and not giving them food. Now, who is being the extremist? :P
Hope you will publish the others too.
Don't mistake the analogy. Being a slave owner isn't being compared to *using* nonfree software, but to *developing* nonfree software. (At that, it's not supposed to be a good analogy; just to point out how ridiculous some language I've heard is.)
Other than on Gobblin, I've posted these on Diaspora and on my website.[0] They're under CC BY-SA, so anyone is free to re-post them elsewhere.
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