OwnCloud error: System tray not available

7 respostas [Última entrada]
Joined: 05/14/2015

Hi folks

I'm running 32Bit Trisquel 7, and I installed the ownCloud client from the 'Add/Remove Programs' tool. AFAICT it seems to work, but when I log in, a dialogue box pops up saying:

"System tray not available

ownCloud requires on a working system tray. If you are running XFCE, please follow these instructions. Otherwise, please install a system tray application such as 'trayer' and try again."

I did some web searching and it looks like an upstream bug, but since the program gives the impression of being endorsed (available in the Trisquel repos, and through the user-friendly installation tool), it would be good to get this fixed.

Joined: 05/13/2010

I agree it sounds like something to be fixed, file a bug


Joined: 05/14/2015
Joined: 05/14/2015

I reinstalled Belenos, and now I find I can't even install ownCloud client, as it's been removed from the repos. Any idea why, and if it's likely to return?

Sorry I haven't filed a bug yet. I tend to just post here when I have problems I can't solve on Trisquel. I'm guessing that's less annoying than filing bug reports on things that turn out to be user error ;) Let me know if my assumption is wrong there.

Joined: 05/14/2015

An update on this: the ownCloud desktop sync client is back in the repos, and I installed it today. Same situation as I described in the OP. Seems to be performing the sync, but still comes up with that error message on start-up. I will file a bug report after I reboot to get a screenshot.

EDIT: Done. https://trisquel.info/en/issues/15909

Joined: 11/11/2015

As this bug seems to be still open, I comment that the solution found in this post is also useful for Trisquel 7 32-bit with GNOME Flashback:


So a valid workaround is to install the package sni-qt, which provides support for Qt indicators. Setting sni-qt as a dependency for owncloud-client could be a solution for the whole system.

Joined: 11/11/2015

As this bug seems to be still open, I comment that the solution found in this
post is also useful for Trisquel 7 32-bit with GNOME Flashback:


So a valid workaround is to install the package sni-qt, which provides
support for Qt indicators. Setting sni-qt as a dependency for owncloud-client
could be a solution for the whole system.

Joined: 11/11/2015

As this bug seems to be still open, I comment that the solution found in this
post is also useful for Trisquel 7 32-bit with GNOME Flashback:


So a valid workaround is to install the package sni-qt, which provides
support for Qt indicators. Setting sni-qt as a dependency for owncloud-client
could be a solution for the whole system.