Passphrase cannot be chached in Icedove - Trisquel mini
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I transferred my keys to another system, where I have Trisquel mini. Everything fine. But:
I cannot cache my GPG passphrase in Icedove/Enigmail. I set it in enigmail to 60 minutes, but a message tells me, that the setting is ignored, since this value is controlled by another software. GPG-Agent or seahorse.
I then downloaded seahorse via Synaptic. But there is also no possibility to alter the passphrase cache time. Now I have to reenter the passphrase everytime (!) when I click on another email message...
Do You have an idea? Do I have to do this via Terminal?
Hi! I can confirm this. I havee the same "issue" on Debian. And I have the package gnupg-agent installed.
The warning icedove gives when I try to change the cache time (set to 5 minutes but not working at all) is:
Cannot connect to gpg-agent. Maybe your system uses a specialized tool for passphrase handling such as gnome-keyring or seahorse-agent. Unfortunately Enigmail cannot control the passphrase timeout for the tool you are using. Therefore the respective timeout settings in Enigmail are disregarded.
I do use and need gnome-keyring though, so I guess that is the issue. I guess there may be a way (maybe) to direct icedove into using the desired caching tool but I ignore it.
Fortunately, even if complex, I know my psswd by heart but this is still quite annoying especially when I receive several encrypted mails and have to reenter my psswd 10 times! :)
Will enquire more and if I do find a solution will report back. cheers
No one has an idea?
I so far only found out, that it should have to do something with "pinentry". And somebody told me, that there is kind of an incompatibility between gpg-agent and pinentry. But I am not sure. There should be a FAQ for this somewhere. I am not afraid of the command line or the Terminal at all, but I just do not know, what exactly to enter there... I want to set the cache for my passphrase, let's say, to 60 minutes. Where can I do that?
I would really be greatful for some hint, what to do, because the repeated entering of the passphrase is really annoying!
I asked on a few channels and got no answer so I went back to searx and spent a little time searching and I found a solution.
go to /home/user/.gnupg/
create a new file and name it gpg-agent.conf
and fill this text in: use-standard-socket
I had a similar issue but unfortunately your suggestion didn't work for me. I've seen others using this trick successfully so my issue is probably different after all...
I had it working though. Please see this thread for my issue:
I would be glad to hear some opinions on how to solve it
Damn, that's it!! Thank You for finding out about this.
By the way, with me the file already existed and I just added the line to it.
Now strangely it looks like this, maybe because I altered settings in enigmail:
# GPGConf disabled this option here at Tu 20 Okt 2015 14:43:58 CEST
# default-cache-ttl 300
# GPGConf disabled this option here at Tu 20 Okt 2015 14:43:58 CEST
# max-cache-ttl 999999
###+++--- GPGConf ---+++###
default-cache-ttl 3600
max-cache-ttl 36000
###+++--- GPGConf ---+++### Tu 20 Okt 2015 14:43:58 CEST
# GPGConf edited this configuration file.
# It will disable options before this marked block, but it will
# never change anything below these lines.
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