Passphrase cannot be chached in Icedove - Trisquel mini

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Joined: 09/13/2015


I transferred my keys to another system, where I have Trisquel mini. Everything fine. But:
I cannot cache my GPG passphrase in Icedove/Enigmail. I set it in enigmail to 60 minutes, but a message tells me, that the setting is ignored, since this value is controlled by another software. GPG-Agent or seahorse.

I then downloaded seahorse via Synaptic. But there is also no possibility to alter the passphrase cache time. Now I have to reenter the passphrase everytime (!) when I click on another email message...

Do You have an idea? Do I have to do this via Terminal?


I am a translator!

Joined: 10/31/2014

Hi! I can confirm this. I havee the same "issue" on Debian. And I have the package gnupg-agent installed.

The warning icedove gives when I try to change the cache time (set to 5 minutes but not working at all) is:

Cannot connect to gpg-agent. Maybe your system uses a specialized tool for passphrase handling such as gnome-keyring or seahorse-agent. Unfortunately Enigmail cannot control the passphrase timeout for the tool you are using. Therefore the respective timeout settings in Enigmail are disregarded.

I do use and need gnome-keyring though, so I guess that is the issue. I guess there may be a way (maybe) to direct icedove into using the desired caching tool but I ignore it.
Fortunately, even if complex, I know my psswd by heart but this is still quite annoying especially when I receive several encrypted mails and have to reenter my psswd 10 times! :)

Will enquire more and if I do find a solution will report back. cheers

Joined: 09/13/2015

No one has an idea?
I so far only found out, that it should have to do something with "pinentry". And somebody told me, that there is kind of an incompatibility between gpg-agent and pinentry. But I am not sure. There should be a FAQ for this somewhere. I am not afraid of the command line or the Terminal at all, but I just do not know, what exactly to enter there... I want to set the cache for my passphrase, let's say, to 60 minutes. Where can I do that?

I would really be greatful for some hint, what to do, because the repeated entering of the passphrase is really annoying!


I am a translator!

Joined: 10/31/2014

I asked on a few channels and got no answer so I went back to searx and spent a little time searching and I found a solution.
go to /home/user/.gnupg/
create a new file and name it gpg-agent.conf
and fill this text in: use-standard-socket

Joined: 02/18/2016

I had a similar issue but unfortunately your suggestion didn't work for me. I've seen others using this trick successfully so my issue is probably different after all...

I had it working though. Please see this thread for my issue:

I would be glad to hear some opinions on how to solve it

Joined: 09/13/2015

Damn, that's it!! Thank You for finding out about this.

By the way, with me the file already existed and I just added the line to it.

Now strangely it looks like this, maybe because I altered settings in enigmail:

# GPGConf disabled this option here at Tu 20 Okt 2015 14:43:58 CEST
# default-cache-ttl 300
# GPGConf disabled this option here at Tu 20 Okt 2015 14:43:58 CEST
# max-cache-ttl 999999
###+++--- GPGConf ---+++###
default-cache-ttl 3600
max-cache-ttl 36000
###+++--- GPGConf ---+++### Tu 20 Okt 2015 14:43:58 CEST
# GPGConf edited this configuration file.
# It will disable options before this marked block, but it will
# never change anything below these lines.