Pictures in backgrounds

3 respostas [Última entrada]
Joined: 02/19/2016

Hy to everyone! How is it possible to copy in the file "backgrounds"(usr share backgrounds) other pictures to be used as wallpapers? Thank you.

Magic Banana

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Joined: 07/24/2010

You can select a background in your home folder. Writing in /usr/share/backgrounds requires administrative permissions. If have such permission and really want to copy a file to /usr/share/backgrounds, open a terminal in the folder containing the file ("back.jpg" in my example) and execute:
$ sudo cp back.jpg /usr/share/backgrounds

Joined: 02/19/2016

Hi, Magic Banana. Thank you, but the response in the terminal is cp: impossible to execute stat of "onda.jpg": File or directory does not exist. What should I do?

Magic Banana

I am a member!

I am a translator!

Joined: 07/24/2010

Either the file is not named "onda.jpg" (notice that the case, lower or upper, matters) or you did not open the folder with "onda.jpg" in the terminal (I do not use the default desktop environment but a right click on the folder certainly provides a contextual menu that should propose something like "Open in terminal").