Posting h-node information

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Joined: 01/10/2015

Hi everybody

Would some know if I can run all the h-node commands to test a specific model thru a live trisquel usb session?. I don't own the laptops I would like to test, so installing trisquel on a hard drive is out of the question. I noticed that there are some commands on testing hardware on h-node website, but is there any more commands I should run that you guys might now?


Joined: 05/13/2010

Hi there! I guess we're talking about these

Yes you can run those commands off a live media. I'm not sure if dmidecode and hwinfo are installed by default so you might need to do that first which requires an internet connection. Also, you incidentally need to run both those commands as root.

Note that the results are to be taken with a grain of salt as if you've previously booted a proprietary OS it might have ran some proprietary firmware to enable some device, so set your computer to boot off your live media and then switch the device off, wait for a moment for the hard disk to come to halt (if it's got one) and then restart.

On the other hand if you find some device does not work, it might be possible to get it work, e.g. the radeon kernel module is blacklisted because newer radeon cards requiring a proprietary firmware will not work and will then be using the crappy vesa driver resulting in poor resolution. However older radeon cards will work once you remove the radeon blacklisting...

This hardware detection tool might also come handy. If you have 1337 skillz you could even include it on a live Trisquel media.

Have fun!

Joined: 01/10/2015

Thanks Lembas, yes I was refereeing to What I did prior too booting into the live trisquel version is remove the hard drive and then power on the laptop. I did notice that if I run the hwinfo commands at the very end its display something like command incomplete run as super user, may be I can use a spare hard drive from another laptop and use this hard drive on the laptops I'm testing it might take longer but the information would be useful to other users who wish to install a libre distro. I try the link you provided