problems in trisquel7
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this some of the problems faced my friends in trisquel7
1 - KDE interface does not contain a network manager.
2 the default Interface I can not add a language writing her second,
3 - Director of the default application freezes and I can not install software from it.
4 - Gnome shell interface does not open after the installation is not complete due to be installed Dependencies.
5 - YouTube Gnash player sometimes does not open YouTube clips and you receive an error message and the image appears in the video sometimes
Is one has an idea how to solve them?
Stick to gnome or lxdle - those two are officially supported DEs by the trisquel community. Gnome works flawlessly and is very customizable and good looking.
to install an app in trisquel - go to terminal and type:
sudo apt-get install "name of program"
exmple - to install vlc - sudo apt-get install vlc
you can view youtube vids in fullhd without flash/gnash and without even a browser with "minitube"
-do this in terminal - sudo apt-get install gdebi
-go to this webpage and download the .deb for your trisquel (32 or 64 bit) --
Concerning your Youtube problem, I wold suggest you take a look at this:
And about your problem with the network manager, try to look for the network manager plasma applet or try to start nm-applet using the start application function from kde.
4 - Gnome shell interface does not open after the installation is not complete due to be installed Dependencies.
I'm not sure what you mean with this. To run GNOME Shell, you need to install the gnome-session and gnome-shell packages, then pick "GNOME" from the login screen (instead of "Trisquel"). In LightDM, the default display manager of Trisquel, it's a little icon just above your name.
What about language problem
My friends can not change the writing language
B T W, i did not try to change my writing language to Arabic
Because the screen reader does not support Arabic
In the "System settings", there are two entries that deal with languages. One for the language of the applications and another one for the keyboard layout (mainly).
25-11-2014 17:09:58 name at domain:
> hi
> this some of the problems faced my friends in trisquel7
> 1 - KDE interface does not contain a network manager.
> 2 the default Interface I can not add a language writing her
> 3 - Director of the default application freezes and I can not
> software from it.
> 4 - Gnome shell interface does not open after the
installation is not
> complete due to be installed Dependencies.
> 5 - YouTube Gnash player sometimes does not open
YouTube clips and you
> receive an error message and the image appears in the
video sometimes
> Is one has an idea how to solve them?
1 "Director of the default application freezes and I can not
Are you talking about the package manager/application
manager? If so, right-click on your desktop, click on
Execute/run command, type "konsole", and follow these
Note: $ denotes a command line. # denotes a comment.
$ aptitude
# If the command isn't found, keep following these
instructions, otherwise, abort.
$ sudo apt-get install aptitude
# Type your password.
# Confirm the installation only if there are no removals to be
$ aptitude
# This will open a package manager, from here, you can
install and remove packages. The menu from the upper part
of the screen can be accessed by pressing Ctrl + T.
# Note: When you see notations like "C-T" or "^T", it's the
same as Ctrl + T.
#You can press ? (question mark) for a list of key shortcuts,
or Q (either q or Q) to quit Aptitude.
# From here on you can go to section 2 of this message.
2 Network Manager in KDE
Use your favorite package manager to check whether you
have the following packages installed:
As last resource, go to the main panel of your KDE desktop
(where the windows are listed, and where you can see the
start menu icon) and see if you can find an up arrow near the
system tray (which is usually near the clock), click on this
arrow and see if you can find the network manager there. If
not, right-click on the system tray and click on Configure
notifications area, (sorry, my system isn't in English), in
Visualization/Views, check Network management, then click
on Apply. Additionally, configure the notifications again,
click on Entries, and change Network management's
visibility/display to unhidden.
3 YouTube and Gnash
I might be wrong, and I will welcome other comments, but
there seems to be no need to keep Gnash installed since
YouTube supports HTML5, and even if not entirely, there's
a way to force it. This means that you don't need many add-
ons to watch videos on YouTube once it uses HTML5.
To force YouTube to use only HTML5, go to the add-ons
page of Abrowser and install YouTube ALLL HTML5, after
installing it, I would suggest some configurations for it:
Check Disable YouTube SPF
Check Fix volume bug on YouTube
Check Start videos paused on YouTube
YouTube video loading method: Embedded player
Best regards, ADFENO.
Have a nice day.
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– Blogue:
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– Se eu não te desejar um bom dia em meus e-mails, minhas
postagens, ou meus comentários; isto significa que estes
enviados por terceiros.
Automatic signature – North American English:
– Blog:
– Please do not send me Microsoft Office or Apple iWork
documents. Instead, send OpenDocument documents!
– If I don't wish you a nice day in my emails, my posts, or
comments; this means that these were sent by third parties.
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