Proposing a libreboot installfest in libre planet 2020 on Boston

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Joined: 08/25/2010

I thought about posting this idea here too, please let me know if any of you is interested or know where I could propose the idea.

So far I have sent it to the name at domain mailing list, and I have talked to some people in the libre boot IRC that gave me some advice. Didn't get a respond from the libreplanet IRC forum, but I'll keep trying.

The idea is the following:

I'll be attending libre planet 2020 in Boston.

I have a x200 tablet computer that haven't been libre booted.

I believe I have all the materials to do it, like an external programmer BeagleBone Black, cables and the clip to attach it to the computer chip.

Unfortunately I haven't found the time to try it, and because of my lack of experience on the process, I fear it will take me a lot of time to learn the process thoroughly and even go throw it.

So I thought that maybe I could use my vacation time and attendance to libre planet, where I feel there would be a lot of people that have experience on the process.

I'm not so sure if this is OK to ask, since there are companies and people who charge for this kind of work. I'll be trying to do it my self either way, but I was hoping some one could give me a hand.

Talking to jxself, who I know form Trisquel's forums, he suggested I could ask the libre planet organizers to have a some what of a libreboot installfest as a side activity on the event, so people can go and see the process or even bring their own computers. This is the reason I'm sending this email, hoping this is the right place, and hope fully it will start interest on the matter. So far I have sent messages to quidam and pehjota, but they were AFK.

Please, let me know if this is not the right place to propose this idea.

Thank you.


I am a member!

I am a translator!

Joined: 08/25/2010

I meant to say I emailed the libreplanet-discuss AT mailing list and meant to say the libreplanet IRC not the forum which I don't know if it even exist. Thank you.

zapper (non verificado)

This is a good idea, Libreboot needs more updates...

Joined: 09/13/2010

"Talking to jxself, who I know form Trisquel's forums, he suggested I could ask the libre planet organizers to have a some what of a libreboot installfest as a side activity on the event ... This is the reason I'm sending this email, hoping this is the right place ..."

The LibrePlanet conference is organized by the FSF, not the Trisquel people. :)