Questions About Replicant OS

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Joined: 03/15/2020

I was considering getting a Samsung N2 with Replicant OS soon and had a few questions for anybody who has used it. I already only get my software from F-Droid, should anything from there work with Replicant OS ? I see that "3D graphics" doesn't work but how will this affect daily use ? I don't plan on playing games, just messaging people and browsing the web. I also know that wifi doesn't work but I have lots of cell data so should be alright.


I am a translator!

Joined: 08/18/2020

> I already only get my software from F-Droid, should anything from there work with Replicant OS ?

So do I. K9-mail, conversations, fluffychat, davx, seafile, syncthing work fine. If you want me to test something, let me know.

> I see that "3D graphics" doesn't work but how will this affect daily use ?

Things like OSMAnd and Organic Maps are hardly usable (can take several minutes to display the whole screen) and sometimes cause the phone to crash and reboot much slower than normally and end up in a non-functional state so that another manual reboot is needed afterwards.

I only had such a behaviour when using maps, if I don't use maps the phone works ok usually.

> I don't plan on playing games, just messaging people and browsing the web.

Web browsing is tricky, besides a very old version of icecat in F-droid archive (not sure it is still there), firefox derivatives tend to not work, i.e. many pages, even simple ones, won't display anything.

My only usage of web browsing is to my own server.