Re: Trisquel 11 Is Released

2 respostas [Última entrada]

I am a member!

Joined: 08/28/2012

name at domain writes:

> Our fearless leader Rubén released Trisquel 11 during his live stream
> at the FSF's LibrePlanet conference. It's out now! Hooray!

Thank you to everyone who worked on making this possible.

"Cut your own wood and it will warm you twice"

Ignacio Agulló
Joined: 07/30/2019

O 2023-03-19 21:06, escribiu:
> Our fearless leader Rubén released Trisquel 11 during his live stream
> at the FSF's LibrePlanet conference. It's out now! Hooray!

Great news! Thanks for the news, Boris ;-)

Thanks to Rubén and the rest of Trisquel developers for providing us
with two more years of the best Free Software distribution.

Aramo being released only 13 months after Etiona means that long-term
support gets enlarged by almost 11 months, which is a great thing.

Kind regards,
Ignacio Agulló.

Ignacio Agulló
Joined: 07/30/2019

O 2023-03-21 00:19, escribiu:
> Aramo being released only 13 months after Etiona means that long-term
> support gets enlarged by almost 11 months, which is a great thing.

I correct myself: 13 months after Nabia, not Etiona.
Kind regards,
Ignacio Agulló.