Removing Mental Malware by Larken Rose
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Interesting 15 min clip about thought patterns and how they hinders peoples thinking, questioning and acting. How someone with a belief can edit the information they get to fit their "Mental Malware" mould. Political belief view of the world, cultural patterns and how they are passed on.
This sounds interesting, I bookmarked it to watch later.
just watched it
rely explains alot
That guy is just full of Crap....
"wanting to know the truth requires risking what you already have and what your already comfortable with"
this makes sense(in my opinion)
if you are a religious person for example and you want to know how the earth was created you must put aside what you were taught and except the fact that a religion you were part of for many years may not be telling the truth
if you don't then you will only ever come to one conclusion. the one your comfortable with
how do you mean this guy is full of crap?
tomlukeywood said:
how do you mean this guy is full of crap?
Because, I will never follow or listen to a SATAN WORSHIPER, dress like a sheep! That is my prejudice and bottom line drawn in the sand... Ill bet you, If someone offers him 50,000 thousand dollars, he will change sides in a heartbeat! He is just another False Prophet....
as my question to jodiendo
was not answered i will post it again:
please explain.
You want an explanation?
You need to ask first; to the guy with the Great long white beard, with overweight looks.
What he has to say about him?
Previously you have read: my response on the matter.
Signing out and Ending this Conversation and Interrogatory on this matter.
That clip of Larken Rose is for me in this point and time spot on. The only way for freedom is to connect to your self. Freedom and responsibility goes hand in hand and I think most people today cant carry responsibility of their life in the own hands today because everyone has the mental malware that a government must take care of them. Most people have not made a choice but just used what was in front of them, the social structure, Mac or Windows. These two software options is very complete and in general easy to use today. They work. Free software is a active choice because the user want to support freedom and make freedom bigger and more accepted in the world. Its a responsibility.
One example of mental malware that most people carry is that petrol/diesel engines cant get more efficient. All other technology has made gigantic leaps last 100 years but engines has become a lot more complicated and little more efficient. That mental malware blocks peoples perception and make them accept being forced to be dependent on big oil companies. To realize their is a lot better alternative out there can be hard to accept. Documentary GasHole
I think today the limit of many mental malwares is close to break and that is why so many people get more fanatic to try to save the dying thing they have identified with. Many rather die instead of accepting the have lived all the life in a lie.
Can Satan disguise it self as god? If Satan created a mental malware making him look like god, what will the true God look like in that distorted view? How will people that carry that mental malware behave? Satans best tools is deception. Mental malware is that tool. Limiting and distorting peoples perception and diverting their view of the world with a false reality. Humanity is like a fish in a fish tank with the BELIEF/mental malware thinking it is free.
Someone that belief that he is free will not question the prison he is in. Brave New World.
"You need to ask first; to the guy with the Great long white beard, with overweight looks.
What he has to say about him?"
i feel your answers are a bit vague and i am not clear on your argument but i respect your decision to end this conversation
Signed out unless you want to continue.
How about
In that one he basically he says the fundamental evil of Nazism, Communism, Socialism and the Constitution of the United States is collectivsm, the sacrificing of the rights of the individual for the collective good. I think his error is in denying any midlle ground. Aren't we all willing to sacrifice the right to murder for the sake of our collective good? If I agree to always obey the law and wear my seatbelt in the car, that sacrifice of my right to go around the freeway without a seatbelt has been sacrificed for the collective good because it prevents lot's of very expensive head and other injuries that we all collectively have to pay for and so I also agree not to drive if I don't have insurance because that protects the other guy and his rights. Isn't it about where we choose to draw the line?
Is any form of society possible without some degree of 'collectivsm?'
Did you see the newest True Grit, I had an epiphany watching that. As the marshall and the young lady were horsebacking through lawless Indian reservation land, they came across a man with a body he had found and then tied to the back of a horse. He had decided to pack it on the horse believing someone might buy it from him. At another point they came across a dead man hanging by his neck 30 - 40 feet off the ground in a big tree. For some reason I thought of the walled cities of the ancient world. If you were part of the city, everyone could be depended on to keep an eye on you, everyone had to know the concensus of law and follow. Without that there could be no city. Now outside the wall was wilderness where people might have to be a law to themselves and strangers might not know who could be trusted. That's where the marshall and the young lady were.
I've watched two of this young man's videos now, please post a link where he offers a good solution and I'll watch that too.

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