Replicant on Nexus One

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Joined: 10/05/2017

Hello everyone,

I have a Nexus One on which I would like to install Replicant. The wiki ( states that it’s unmaintained, but the relevant files are still available to download. I accept full responsibility for the device, but I don’t know how to go about installing the OS. I’ve installed the latest version of Replicant on another device, but the files seem to be different from those of the Nexus one.

Could anyone who is knowledgeable enough help me out?

Thank you!


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Joined: 12/10/2017

If you're aiming for the "latest" Replicant (6.0) it's based on Lineage OS, not Cyanogenmod (like 4.2).

I've fiddled around with Replicant, but had to use 4.2 on an old Samsung Galaxy S3 i9300 as 6.0 kept crashing and rebooting. On 4.2 it still regularly reboots itself for no reason, and I have to take great care not to install the wrong thing to avoid reflashing it.

I think it's fair to say it's not quite ready for prime time. But as a "spare phone" OS it's passable! :)

Edit: I've just spotted this "re-release" of 6.0, so might give it another go at some point

I'm holding out more hope for the Purism Librem 5 (which I've pre-ordered) or the Gemini PDA. In both cases you can run whatever GNU/Linux distro you want, then just boot back into Android (running apps from F-Droid) whenever you need to.

Joined: 10/14/2015

I have bought Symphony V130 smart-phone in Bangladesh. Is possible install Replicant in this device?

Magic Banana

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