Richard Stallman Interjects at Local Man's Funeral...
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A funeral for a local man of Lowell, Massachusetts, took an unexpected turn on Tuesday when the controversial founder of the Free Software Foundation and freedom advocate, Richard Stallman, seemingly appeared out of nowhere during an eulogy.
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accelerating away in a freedom respecting 1960s Toyota Cressida with the license plate “EMACS4Evr”.
Why not a yellow submarine while he's at it ?
Well, *I'd* just like to interject for a moment. That article claims Stallman made reference to the "(Steam DRM) content delivery system"- using the word "content" in a context in which he would never use it (indeed, even despise it). This incorrect transcription is extremely offensive, and the article should apologize for being so insensitive in transcribing such a wonderful, gentle blessing by St. IGNUcius.
And this is totally me:
I can very much relate to mr. Goodspeed :)
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