Rockbox - recorder?
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Unless I missed out something the devices overview on the rockbox site does not state specifications for each device.
Are some devices equipped with a microphone and does rockbox support recording (like a dictaphone)?
My Creative Zen perfectly supports recording, although no waveform is displayed.
Rockbox on my SansaClip Zip can record too.
nadebula.1984 and Magic Banana,
does your devices have a microphone and speakers?
Since it records, it must have a microphone... somewhere. No speaker on the device, which is tiny. I bought external speakers (that I plug with the 3.5 mm audio jack) so that the SansaClip Zip is my alarm clock too.
Most digital players have microphones. But why should they have built-in speakers?
Most digital players have microphones. But why should they have built-in speakers?
Didn't you mean the other way around (most players have built in speakers why should they have microphones)?
Using built-in speakers often violates others' privacy. Not everyone wants to listen to my music. I always use earphones even if there's nobody around.
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