Safely replace the desktop environment

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Joined: 05/01/2018

The MATE desktop environment on one of my workstations is partially broken (due to a stupid operation "for the convenience sake"). I've recently tested Ubuntu 20.04 LTS. Though I was disappointed by the fact that it began to install non-free software (other than firmware) by default, I was quite satisfied with Gnome 3.36.

I have installed the latest Gnome desktop environment by the command # apt install gnome

Now I wish to remove the entire MATE desktop environment with its components. Which (meta-)package should I remove? (Then I could proceed with # apt autoremove)

Magic Banana

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Joined: 07/24/2010

"trisquel" and "trisquel-recommended", I believe. Please, tell us if it works. Alternatively you could install "gnome" on a fresh Trisquel NetInstall, as suggested in

Joined: 05/01/2018

Thanks for reply. I'll try to test this method later to see whether it works as expected. A minimal installation using Net-Install media is also a good idea.

The current situation was caused by a stupid operation "for the convenience sake" as mentioned above. When I tried to convert some audio/video files, a temporary folder was required to hold intermediate files. In order to make the command line as simple as possible, I used ~ (my home directory) as the temp folder. When the conversion operation finished, the contents of the whole ~ directory (used as the temp folder) were wiped out, including all configuration files. Furthermore, some portable storage media were mounted somewhere under my home directory at that point, so they were wiped out, too.