Scanner drivers won't install
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Hello Friends
Thank you for making Trisquel, I'm so very pleased with it. I'm sorry to bother you with silly questions, however I am new to Trisquel and would very much appreciate your guidance in the matter of installing a driver for an Epson Scanner. I have downloaded the files, but somehow cannot install them, and was wondering if they actually contain non-free software and will not install (or if I am having a brain-lapse-moment and just cannot get my head around it). I am using Trisquel 7.0 on an Acer Aspire E14, and am new to Trisquel. I have previously used Ubuntu, but only at a very basic level, and would love to move to Libre Software entirely. The scanners I wish to configure are an Epson Perfection V33 and a printer-scanner-combo Epson Stylus CX5500.
With thanks in advance and kindest regards
After connecting the scanner, have you try to open simple scan a try it already? You can find simple scan at the program menu in Graphic section, the try to scan. If the scanner is not recognized should tell you that no scan was found.
I think you probably tried this already, but usually the scanners should work right after you connected since Linux kernel usually has all the drivers needed. If it doesn't there is a very sad chance that there isn't any free software driver available yet. Downloading the drivers from the manufacture website usually means there is only windows drivers or just not free software ones.
Thank You Arielenter
I'm sorry for the late reply.
The scanner was not recognised when I tried to scan, I had to download the drivers from the Epson website. There were drivers for the Linux kernel, I also had to do this for the old OS before I switched to Trisquel, but on closer inspection of the "Readme" file, there was mention that some scanners require non-free plugins to work. I suspect this may be the case here. I'm putting these comments out here just in case another novice is asking the same questions :)and to thank you again for your help.
kind regards
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