On screen notifications

4 respostas [Última entrada]
Joined: 09/08/2013

Is there any way to change how long 'onscreen notifications' appear for?
I'm talking about the ones that appear in the upper right corner to let you know that a new track is being played, or a new email has arrived, etc. They seem to hang around too long and I want to reduce the time they're visible for.

Joined: 05/13/2010

Unfortunately and incredibly, no. The Gnome 3 devs in their infinite wisdom decided that a fixed delay is best ignoring a horde of users complaining about this decision.

Joined: 09/08/2013

That's pretty much what I expected to hear.
I had a mooch about in System Settings, couldn't see anything related and thought "I bet this has been stripped out completely".
I really like Trisquel 7, but I hate Gnome will all my heart.

So, time to find an alternative DE.

Joined: 09/08/2013

So, time to find an alternative DE.

Except - MATE is, well, MATE, Cinnamon appears to be on its way out, XFCE won't install, KDE is KDE (nothing wrong with it, but I sort of prefer all the other DE's), enlightenment is a bit too quirky and WM is ancient.
So, the default Trisquel 7 desktop it is and I'll just have to put up with the idiotic Gnome design decisions.


I am a member!

Joined: 07/16/2011

If you can't install XFCE, have you tried using a lightweight WM (like Fluxbox!) with XFCE settings running in the background? You can manually install xfce4-notifyd and use xfce4-notifyd-config to set the duration of your notifications.
