Seeking a HowTo manual for simple video-editing using only the command line
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I was looking at this HowTo on how to extract stills and clips for video files using only the GNU-Linux commands line, and it got me inspired:
I had given up trying to do even the most simple video-editing tasks on my aging AA1, because all the GUI video-editing apps clearly require much more resources than my system can handle. But if I can sample clips from existing video files with the command line, what other video-editing tasks could I do with it? what if I could use the command line to do all the tasks required to edit together a simple video; remove audio from video tracks, stick clips together into a sequence, add a music or voice-over track (or both), add simple titles, and so on.
Does anyone know of a good HowTo manual explaining how to do simple video editing entirely with the command line? If not, how difficult would it be to put one together?
That ffmpeg wiki has a lot more documentation like that page linked above, see here:
But ffmpeg might not always be the right tool for any given CLI video-editing task. Even if it is, it would be great to have a more user-friendly HowTo that talks the user through the process of making a few different types of short video (eg music video, demo video, video essay), hosted somewhere like
Something this noob-friendly, but with a focus on completing projects with sequences of commands:
The most complicated editing I ever did with 'avconv' in Trisquel 7 (replace 'avconv' with 'ffmpeg' in Trisquel 8): (downstream stereo to mono, add a title in the metadata, turn two videos into a single video with two audio tracks to choose from, offset a video).
>The most complicated editing I ever did with 'avconv'
eww, an amateur!! I managed to save a nuclear station secure disaster once with one long smooth ffmpeg liner :)
* they refused to pay me in bitcoins, so I replied 'I will have to turn down your 2.4 billion dollar nonlibre and nonanonymoose method of payment coz 'muh freedom'. :/
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