Should free hardware have warranty

3 respostas [Última entrada]
Joined: 12/21/2015

free hardware is not so alike to free software, but both have some similitude. But imagine to boy hardware with no warranty and doesn´t work. With warranty you are saved, but if not that would play against the manufacturer. So, should free/open hardware have warranty? Just give me your opinion

Joined: 05/01/2016

The hardware design probably should not have a warranty; that would just be asking for trouble from anyone who tried to build it. If the designer manufactures and sells the physical hardware as well, it would make sense for him/her to warrant that the unmodified product will work as intended, at least for a certain period of time, just like any other hardware manufacturer does. Doing so probably wouldn't place him at any disadvantage, but not doing so -- as you mentioned, if I understood correctly -- would place him at a disadvantage in comparison with his/her competitors.

Joined: 08/11/2014

I recall the OUYA allowed modification without voiding the warranty-- I.E. tinker with the internals, and as long as you didn't cause the problem, they'd replace.

Joined: 08/11/2014

I recall the OUYA allowed modification without voiding the warranty-- I.E. tinker with the internals, and as long as you didn't cause the problem, they'd replace.