Slaine - resolution issue

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Joined: 04/13/2011

I'm really looking forward to start using Trisquel as my main OS however
Slaine has some strange issue with my old laptop video card (Intel 945gm Chipset - yeah, yeah I know it's lame:-). When I change resolution to non 16:10 I end up with black bars on left and right side of the screen (it doesn't scale my desktop). Is there any way to fix it without changing kernel to older one (like it was done in Maverick Meerkat)? Or should I choose LTS release (if it's based on Lucid there shouldn't be any problem)? And yes, I need those resolutions:-)


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Hi! You can specify the flat panel scaling mode with a xrandr command, for instance xrandr --output LVDS1 --set "scaling mode" "Full"
If you are unsure about the name of the output, you can use the tab key to see a list; the possible values for this property are "Center", "Full" and "Full aspect". You can also set the desired resolution using the same command (with --mode "name of mode", get a list with the tab key), so it's easy to create a launcher to use specific modes with just one click.

Joined: 04/13/2011

Thanks! I think I'll use Taranis for a while but I will check it out when I upgrade to Slaine (or any future version). It looks like that Trisquel is the RIGHT distro for me.


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Joined: 12/28/2009

Welcome to the party, M_L. ;)