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I'm having some problems with Spreadsheets. The problem is mainly with the saving process, although they also run slow. For example, they take a long time to delete/add columns or copy or move contents.

I've tried Open Office Calc, Gnumeric and KSpread (I was trying to find the one that worked better, without any luck). Most of the times they don't crash, but all the Spreadsheets take a long time to save the files. I've also tried to save the files in the default file of each of the programs (*.odf, *.gnumeric and *.ksp), but still take a lot of time and the screen becomes gray. Fortunately, the other running programs don't seem to be affected during the sheets saving process. However, yesterday KSpread did crashed and I have to kill the application. Weird isn't?

Does anybody have this problem? Any suggestion?

I have Trisquel 4.0 updated, but it happened also without the update. I'm using an Acer Aspire 5734Z with Pentium(R) Dual-Core processor T4500, 2.30GHz, 3GB RAM. If you need me to provide more information, let me know!


Joined: 10/10/2010

This is probably off the wall, because you have 3 gig of RAM but is there a remote possibility that the swap might be too small or non-existent?

How about trying to save just one cell with a word in it.

I'm at work so can't remember how to check the size of the swap.

But, it seems like it is:

$free -m

And, if anybody is on their machine and wants to chime in with the correct command please do so.


Joined: 10/24/2010

Hi janus,
Thanks for reply. I don't know what is the swap (*sorry*).
I typed free -m and got "command not found" :'(

Joined: 09/24/2010

> This is probably off the wall, because you have 3 gig of RAM but is
> there a remote possibility that the swap might be too small or
> non-existent?

With 3GB RAM you should never be using the swap, so it is irrelevant if
you have it or not.

Knowing what kind of spreadsheets are you making would be more useful.
Are they big? Many graphics? Heavy calculation? Any macros?

Joined: 10/24/2010

Hola Rubén,

They are not big files (120-20 0 kb), without macros, calculations or graphics. Just data. Maybe because there I have many sheets (8) in one file? But still... to take time for coping one column (of 240 rows!) to another place? Is that normal? or to save the file?


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Is there any way you can post a copy of the spreadsheet (no confidentail info?) and some of us could try it on our machines to see if we experience the same hickup.?

Joined: 10/24/2010

Oh... I haven't seen this post... I can send you a personal message with a rapidshare link, is this ok? or drop.io link?


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Sure, just send it to me via rapidshare. Here is my user page (http://trisquel.info/en/users/sirgrant). You should be able to contact me through there.


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To check the size of your swap partition, use GParted.

Joined: 10/24/2010

Well, I've found out if I type "swapon -s" or "cat /proc/swaps" I can see if I have a swap partition, is this correct?

Here is the result:
Filename Type Size Used Priority
/dev/sda5 partition 8846328 0 -1

However, I have no idea if this is good or not... any help?

Joined: 10/24/2010


The output of Gparted:

Total filesystem capacity (the bar is in red) 100%: 289.4 GB
Total filesystem usage 54.9%: 158.9 GB

What should I do? Thanks!

Magic Banana

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You have a swap partition then. It is /dev/sda5. Anyway, as you were told earlier, with 3 GB of RAM it could not be the problem. What do you actually call "slow"? Have you tried the same operation from another system?

Joined: 10/24/2010

Thanks Magic Banana, good to know. :)

Well, it takes one minute (measured) to save a spreasheet of 300 kb. Again, is this normal? I have only worked with Windows before and didn't have this issue. I have used Linux previously but not as my default computer, just for specific tasks. Don't know... what do you think?

Joined: 10/24/2010

Well, it seems now that the problem is mainly with KSpread and Gnumeric. It seems to be OK with Open Office Calc. Well, if it normal, I have to cultivate patience hahaha

Magic Banana

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That is indeed too long. Have you converted the spreadsheet into the default format for the application (.ods for OpenOffice.org, .gnumeric for Gnumeric, etc.) ? You should. By the way, a spreadsheet is to be used to do calculation. Don't you want a database (or, even, a text file!) instead?

Joined: 10/24/2010

Yes, I've tried saving in the default format and no changes. Nop, I don't need a database nor a text file, I apply filters, sort the data, do basic calculations; then I need to export the data set to use R.

Magic Banana

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Well, that is a rather weird issue... Can you test this operation on the same software but on another system? If you cannot, can you, as SirGrant suggested, post the spreadsheet?

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I coult try it on another system, but it would be a live distro, is this OK for the test? I'll give it a try!

Magic Banana

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It is indeed an excellent idea to test this operation from a Live CD! If, on the same hardware, the operation remains slow then Trisquel is not guilty (assuming the Live CD is not Trisquel) and the trouble would have to be searched in the file itself (or in the hardware?).

Joined: 10/24/2010

OK, I've tried with the live distros (running in USB) of Trisquel Mini (1 GB USB) and Ubuntu 10.10 (8 GB USB).


KSpread crashed in Trisquel Mini ("We are sorry, KSpread closed unexpectedly"). Gnumeric managed to save a file, but slower than my laptop. Can it be related that I'm using the live distro? By the way, I tried to obtain the crash report, but it said "the crash information could not be generated". It also happened to me with my laptop. Sorry, didn't try Open Office Spreadsheets.

In Ubuntu, using KSpread, I've been waiting for more than 5 minutes to save a copy of the file (with .ksp extension). It's still working. Open Office Calc doesn't want to cooperate either... Gnumeric was capable of saving a copy. Open Office Calc and KSpread are still blocked in gray.

I'm beginning to think it an issue with my file!!! I just don't understand why...

Joined: 10/24/2010

OK, here's what I'm going to do. I'll do the same test, but using anothe machine. With live distros too.
I'm not at home now, so I'll be posting later. Thanks!

Joined: 10/24/2010

Here it is. Using Ubuntu 10.10 from another machine:

49 sec to open the .ksp sheet; more than 1 minute to paste a copied column!! I actually forced quit, because the screen was all grey and was not responding after another minute.

It opened the .gnumeric file very quick; 9 secs to paste a copied column; 41 secs to save a copy of the file; 70 secs to save the same file into a .ods file ; 44 secs th save the file into an xlsx.file; at least it managed to fulfil the tasks.

Open Office Calc
32 secs to open the .ods file saved before with Gnumeric; however, 5 secs to open another .ods file (bigger) saved with Open Office Calc, not with Gnumeric. (Why??) Fast to copy and paste columns and to save copies of the files (into different formats too).

I don't understand. Best I can think is that I should work only with Open Office Calc.

SirGrant, did you have time to see my files?


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Yes, I got this error (http://img576.imageshack.us/img576/1549/screenshotopenofficeorg.png). Copy/paste and saving took maybe 1 - 2 seconds after the repair. Did you get that error?

Joined: 10/24/2010

Hi SirGrant,

Thanks for taking the time to help me!

Yes, I got that error too. That was a .ods file that I saved with Gnumeric and somehow it became corrupted in the saving process. Do you know why? Should't they be compatible? I have that error if I open it with Open Office, but if I open it with Gnumeric I don't get the error. Anyhows, I have the "speed" problems with other files too, not only with this "corrupted" file.
Did you try to open/manipulate the other ones?

Joined: 10/10/2010

I'm sorry that I haven't replied sooner, but I had not installed Koffice because I'm running Trisquel on 12 gig hard drive. I know, it's just a "thing". So, I installed Koffice and did a test.

I work with spreadsheets regularly using Koffice and translate them through OO if I have to send them to a MS user etc. So I am familiar with the program.

I test the following sheet on a Gateway 4200 dual core 64 with 2 gig of ram:

An ODS sheet with 23 x 37 cells. First four rows text, the rest data with the exception of two calculated rows, one of them total and one "median" for the rows.

18 of the columns also show minimum, maximum and "average".

I don't have ANOVA or anything like that set up.

It opened in about 3 seconds in OO and probably 2.5 with Kspread.

I was able to move columns, copy columns, undo the moves and it was almost instantaneous.

I was able to make a standard bar chart from all of the columns(using only one column as lable and aside from the "normal" couple of second or so lag after one clicks the chart button, everything went normally.

So, given that my machine is one third faster CPU wise that would make you opening a file in like maybe 4 or 5 seconds maximum.

So....given the above, I'd say that SirGrant is probably correct that you may have a corrupted file.

However, it did occur to me that maybe you have somehow inadvertently created some kind of "special" number and that it might be hidden away in a place that you don't easily see and it might be interacting with the data. There is, in OO a box to tick for that when you first open it. Or it may be that you created a script, or called a script, with an unremembered combo of keystrokes, like making a pointer to a relative value that has somehow been changed to an absolute value and an equation can't call a required number, and it is in an odd place in the sheet and you haven't noticed it. just a thought.

Again, SirGrant is probably correct.


Joined: 10/24/2010

Oh... I see...
I guess I can export the file to .txt or .csv and reopen it as a spreadsheet so I delete any possible script/specialnumber/formula/whatever that it is bothering... ^_^


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Yeah sorry I haven't had a chance, been super busy and I don't have those programs installed. I'll try it later and get back to you as soon as I can.

Joined: 10/24/2010

Sure, no worries, I understand. I can wait. Thanks

Joined: 05/05/2010

Can you reduce the number of sheets you use? I think the trouble might lie here. Perhaps you could make a test spreadsheet with about the same total number of cells and similar calcs, but on one sheet only. Just a thought.

Joined: 10/24/2010

Sorry I haven't replied before. I think I kind of solved the issue. I reinstalled Trisquel because it was kind of weird and I'm creating spreadsheets from text files so I avoid anything that could bother later.
Thanks for your help!