talos 2

11 respostas [Última entrada]
Joined: 09/08/2014
Joined: 02/12/2015

Good video, thanks! Here's a better link on a non-google site: https://invidio.us/watch?v=5syd5HmDdGU

Joined: 01/10/2013

I already saw it. I'm waiting for Linus tech tips to do a video on it.

There isn't a lot of development in power optimizations in GCC, so the performance isn't as good as it should be. But, IBM has put up bounties.

Joined: 02/12/2015

> I already saw it. I'm waiting for Linus tech tips to do a video on it

If you ever want to catch up on the latest info on Talos and Blackbird boards and Power processors, talospace.com is a very good source of news and info.

Joined: 09/13/2010

One thing I haven't seen talked about are getting graphics cards to work properly. A friend of mine bought a Blackbird and the same video card on his x86 computer couldn't be used on the Blackbird without having the kernel upload the firmware blob. Keep in mind that wasn't needed on x86. And I think he said the onboard graphics were limited to 1024x768. So there are still issues to be worked out.

Joined: 09/08/2014

> friend of mine bought a Blackbird

If he uses it for common programs
would he make a video showing
how the computer works? I
have not found a video
showing how it

> the onboard graphics were limited to 1024x768.

These are things which can be solved
through free software?

Joined: 02/12/2015

> A friend of mine bought a Blackbird and the same video card on his x86 computer couldn't be used on the Blackbird without having the kernel upload the firmware blob. Keep in mind that wasn't needed on x86. And I think he said the onboard graphics were limited to 1024x768. So there are still issues to be worked out.

That's your friend's experience with one graphics card, but I'm assuming that there are many older Radeon cards that will run just fine using nothing but Linux-libre kernel and Mesa. Probably depends on how much money you want to spend and how good you want your graphics performance.

Which brings me to my other question - has your friend given you any feedback on how your pp64el kernel in your freesh repository is running on their Blackbird Power9 system? Everything seem to be working OK?

Joined: 04/27/2013

That's your friend's experience with one graphics card, but I'm assuming that there are many older Radeon cards that will run just fine using nothing but Linux-libre kernel and Mesa. Probably depends on how much money you want to spend and how good you want your graphics performance.

I tested 5 different cards, 3 of which work fine with the linux-libre kernel on x86 but hang the machine after the nouveau kernel module is loaded. The only cards that I have been able to get working without any issues require blobs (amdgpu). I am still waiting for a few other fixes that should fix the graphics card and the BCM graphics issues.

Which brings me to my other question - has your friend given you any feedback on how your pp64el kernel in your freesh repository is running on their Blackbird Power9 system? Everything seem to be working OK?

Everything else appears to work, but I have not done much more testing due to lack of time and the fact that I wanted to step away from it for a bit.

For those wanting a video, I don't really see the point. When it works, it works just like any other box with GNU/Linux since I was able to run VMs, play videos and build libreCMC. If people really want a video, I'll consider making one.

Joined: 02/12/2015

> For those wanting a video, I don't really see the point. When it works, it works just like any other box with GNU/Linux since I was able to run VMs, play videos and build libreCMC. If people really want a video, I'll consider making one.

I agree, no need for video. What distro are you able to use on it now? Debian?

> I tested 5 different cards, 3 of which work fine with the linux-libre kernel on x86 but hang the machine after the nouveau kernel module is loaded.

That's Nvidia. I'm thinking that an old Radeon card that would work with the free radeon driver, like an old Radeon 7600 from 2012 might be interesting. h-node.org has some good ideas, and usually can search the phoronix website to see what works with what drivers.

Also, are you saying that the free amdgpu driver blob is needed, or that you have to the load the proprietary amdgpu Pro firmware?

Thanks for sharing your experiences, very interesting.

Joined: 09/08/2014

> tested 5 different cards

Do you say some of the video cards
run without erros on the
blackbird and requiring no non
free software?

The geforce 8400gs is
known to run on
free software.

> wanting a video

If you make a video showing what works well and what does not, then
you provide documentation. It gives me an option to show
documentation to others, if I tell them about
the computer.

Joined: 09/13/2010

"Do you say some of the video cards run without erros on the blackbird and requiring no non free software?"

Saying the opposite.

"The geforce 8400gs is known to run on free software."

But not on POWER9. As I recall that was one of the cards tested.

Joined: 10/09/2012

I'd also like to hear if there are any video cards that work for talos 2 without firmware issue.