Testing Trisquel 10

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Joined: 05/01/2018

Because packages in Ubuntu 20.04 are barely new enough for my applications, I gave Trisquel 10 a try.

Like previous releases, its Live media offer two installers: Debian Installer and Ubiquity. I tested Ubiquity without launching the Live environment. And it succeeded on my UEFI system, though I'd still like to suggest Calamares, like Lubuntu did.

When I restarted the system, everything looked fine, except that I didn't find the IME indicator, but the IME did work. I also added and removed certain packages to meet my requirements, and they worked, too.

Now I could consider to use Trisquel 10 on my server, whose packages needn't to be frequently upgraded.


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Joined: 09/19/2011

Thanks for your review of Trisquel 10. I, too, gave it a try. The live environment appears much like that of Trisquel 9. I installed it to a test machine. The installation went smoothly, except that I cannot get the screen reader to talk for the user, created at install time. I have speech during the login greeter session, though.

Calamers is not accessible to users who are blind. Using this in Trisquel would not be recommended.