There is not menu on GNOME DeskTop

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Umeda Mitsunori
Joined: 02/23/2013


There is not menu on GNOME Desktop. When I push power button,hard disk
is out.So Ican not operate Trisquel6. Help!,Please.

UMEDA MITSUNORI <name at domain>

Magic Banana

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Try to Windows+Alt+right click on the panel and to add the menu.

Joined: 11/01/2012

press ALT+F2, type 'xterm' and open a terminal
and run this command
rm ~/.config/dconf/user

Magic Banana

I am a member!

I am a translator!

Joined: 07/24/2010

You can also use the more user-friendly GNOME Terminal. You can launch it with Ctrl+Alt+T.

Umeda Mitsunori
Joined: 02/23/2013

Evry body,Thanks for your help!!!

On Sun, 17 Mar 2013 04:15:10 +0100 (CET)
name at domain wrote:

> You can also use the more user-friendly GNOME Terminal. You can launch it
> with Ctrl+Alt+T.

I remove the file(user) by rm command. I can get normal environment!

* I'll also note that we make in the desktop screen, right-click the
mouse, you can launch the terminal.

UMEDA MITSUNORI <name at domain>