Thinkpad X200S Libreboot Help.

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Joined: 06/07/2016

Few days ago I got myself a thinkpad x200s and decided to install trisquell on it. After I have tested everything to work and I started to look and flashing libreboot on this device. As of now I could not find any specific information if it is even possible or any tutorial on how to do it on this device. I know it is more difficult than the X200, but from what I found the difference being only the fact that I need to solder wires to the chip which i don't mind. So I want to know if anybody has done that and if there some info that could help me with this procedure ?


I am a translator!

Joined: 10/31/2014

try #libreboot on IRC. Don't flash anything until you're certain you know wat you doing. good luck.

Joined: 06/07/2016

I did some research and it seems the chip layout for the bios is the same and in theory could be even replace with an 8 pin from the x200 so i can basicaly use the layout from it. The only think that I am unsure now is if the libreboot images for x200 are compatible with x200s as it uses slightly different chipset and if the neccessary changes are included in image or not.