Trisquel 4.0

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Joined: 03/28/2010

Okay I am starting this topic to try and get some information on what is going on with Trisquel 4.0 ? When can we expect it will there be a beta that we can test and help improve? I liked the screen shots I saw so far but I would like to help out.


I am a translator!

Joined: 12/28/2009

Since it will be a LTS release, there are going to be three releases (main, Edu, and Pro), as well as the planned Mini version. We have a lot on our plates!

We keep a next release roadmap in our documentation. But mainly, we just follow all the updates to packages that come from Ubuntu (minus all the non-free ones of course).

Like for 3.5, there will likely be a beta, then a Release Candidate, then finally the release by early Summer.

Soon I will be posting a collection of artwork (bootup splash, wallpapers, menu bar, and CD jacket art) to be used in 4.0 on the website That should give you a good preview of the art that will be in the next release (assuming Ruben decides it's good enough to include, of course).