[Trisquel 7][KDE] Can't apply theme

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Joined: 01/04/2011

Any theme I apply it only affects already opened windows, new windows are using the gtk (3?) theme (set with lxappeareance), with kde colors.

The behavior is also in Triskel, not just KDE on top of Trisquel; and it affects all themes (Oxygen included). Any ideas ?

Thanks in advance.

davidnotcoulthard (non verificado)

Triskel is KDE on top of Trisquel, plus a few apps.

Are you writing about selecting GTK+ themes, or selecting Oxygen colour schemes, or selecting Qt themes (where the options are "GTK+, Motif, Windows, Oxygen, etc")? (Oh, and a screenshot of LxAppearance and your theme setting would be nice)?


I am a member!

Joined: 01/04/2011

I am writing about selecting oxygen or qtcurve in kde system settings and after that, new opened windows of dolphin are using the gtk theme, like mist or clearlooks or whatever is set with lxappeareance. Basically the kde/qt apps (dolphin) are using the gtk theme set with lxappearence.

After playing around I noticed that this behavior does not affect other users exept the one created at install, for 1002 1003 seems fine. Don't know what to take from this.

Magic Banana

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I am a translator!

Joined: 07/24/2010

You must have in ~ a configuration file that is the cause of your problem.


I am a member!

Joined: 01/04/2011

Yes, that should be true; all thou I haven't identified it yet, I assume
is an artifact from logging in with trisquel mini after finishing the
I'm glad that it was something I missed and not a bug.


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