Trisquel 9.0 Etiona Fully updated Gapcoin Core........CAN WE BUILD IT?
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Please test......
It is all updated new for Trisquel 9.
Anexo | Tamaño |
Bob_the_builder.jpg | 16.03 KB |
If using M.2 Hard Drives it is Recommended to use URUK 3.0 Operating System
Using Uruk seems to have finally fixed the M.2 errors when installing Trisquel onto M.2 hard drives. (Tentatively)
It is a big breakthrough!
Check other issues to get started!
The only times I hear about cryptocurrency is in reference to terrorists and criminals.
LpSkywalker has been pushing gapcoin on this forum for some time, and yet none of his posts
are available for review. This thread belongs in the same wastebasket ...
That said, see:
Trisquel-users Digest, Vol 124, Issues 32, 43 & 46
Trisquel-users Digest, Vol 125, Issues 15, 32 & 33
George Langford
If your both "Afraid" you should both use Windows OS. Bill Gates has a nice "Protective" cage to keep you safe from all the Trisquel "baddies"!
New Gitlab account Everything has now moved off Microsoft Github!
git clone
cd gapcoin
git submodule init
git submodule update --remote --merge
./configure --with-incompatible-bdb --without-miniupnpc
Why should we care about this defunct Bitcoin fork? What's your interest in it?
Well, I am not a sheep herder! Does that answer your question?
It is still can be mined using simple hardware?
The Code now works with Trisquel 9?
It still uses original Satoshi Code which is far simpler to update than Bitcoin Core projects. Bitcoin 0.10.0 removed most of Satoshi original code.
And weather you care or not is not my business! Go see someone who cares!
> Well, I am not a sheep herder! Does that answer your question?
Not really.
> It is still can be mined using simple hardware?
> The Code now works with Trisquel 9?
> It still uses original Satoshi Code which is far simpler to update than Bitcoin Core projects.
But it's worthless.
> And weather you care or not is not my business!
Then why do you keep promoting it on this forum? It seems like you really want people to care about it, and I'm just curious why.
I've been mining about 500 of them a day. This is a picture of my new house:

So how do you think King Ludwig died? Accidental drowning after killing his psychiatrist, or suicide, or murder?
He saved or revived Wagner. The rest is immaterial. How he died, I don't know the circumstances. They didn't examine it thoroughly or keep records, so it's impossible to say. So much hearsay and contradictory evidence.
> He saved or revived Wagner. The rest is immaterial.
Good point - yes he did. Those grand palaces were built for Wagner's performances.
A lot of odds and ends updated
There is a new 64 bit Sha-512 HMAC mask with 512 bit keys instead of the Bitcoin 32 bit Sha-512 HMAC mask and 128 bit HMAC keys.
You know Bitcoin is not clear as they removed the key size from the HMAC. I am not sure if that is where they now use the sepk256? OR if they removed it to HIDE the fact they use 128 bit keys.
Satoshi and the original devs apparently made the HMAC SHA-512 mask as the most easily updated part. It does not make sense why they would use poor 128 bit keys for their HMAC blocks however.
Using 32 bit sha-512 makes sense as at that time most computers were still 32 bit.
But no sense not updating it since it is so easy and practical to do.
Next on the list is upgrading the EC Key to a 571 bit key or similar. But it is currently EC 256 key so the most important weakness is CLOSED now!
Well, after playing with the Code a lot more. I must admit it is all highly likely a fraud con-game, as in Bitcoin Core Code. They have simply made generating public keys tied to a ripemd-160 address as complicated as possible.
And most of their code "Updates" is essentially just cover their tracks to make anyone able to follow impossible.
I updated the in-built seeds for Gapcoin, if someone can test it, it does not work for me, I think due to using a proxy which only allows AddNodes= from gapcoin.conf.
But Bitcoin "Devs" decided to make it as complicated as possible to make it a true Peer-Peer system. It is essentially a DNS Seed Network using their own few Seed domains. Which requires domains running a node to sync other nodes.
Even trying to update the Private Key which is the whole purpose of Bitcoin is extremely complicated how they "Re-worked" everything.
It is a simple Private-Key system that they have to re-write to justify having a 200 Billion dollar market cap. Utter contempt for human advancement.
Although Gapcoin is a good idea for use of Blockchain, and it has merit. I have been learning different pieces over time. But it is updated, but the other so called "Programmer" for Gapcoin is a horrible programmer GJHiggins, who is trying to destroy the only utility of Gapcoin mining with his "updates". DON'T EVER TRUST ANYONE WHO CAN CODE BITCOIN CODE.
Anyway, on that note. I think maybe everyone would be interested in
It is probably too late for any computer resistance, against the corporate takeover of everything however.
But I will still try to un-F*** the code by going backwards and forwards from Bitcoin Core 0.9.2.
But it works, and is updated. Just horribly difficult to make simple changes, like Seed Nodes, is pissing me off.
The Private Key update is close to the same boat, how they circle-jerk all the code.
But again on that note please test the new code to see it finds the nodes I input :)
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