Trisquel Documentation - Help Wanted

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Joined: 07/27/2010

I recently finished adding a TON of addons to the browser page ( We now have more free add-ons listed on our trisquel site then the GNU Icecat site. I was talking with Ruben about project I could work on and he suggested that I work on the documentation. I was also reading the latest version of Free Software, Free Society and it talks about how a lack of free manuals is one of the free software communities biggest deficiency.

I was thinking back to when I used windows (yeah, gross I know) but when you would buy the box it would come with a little manual that had information including information about how to install everything and all that. I want to create a free version of that for Trisquel. Something that a user could print out (or view online) and give to a family or friend.

I could use some help if anyone is interested. Things like people who can proof-read. Help out. Any help would be great. Just get in touch with me via this thread or I'm on the #trisquel IRC chat channel a lot.


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Joined: 02/25/2010

I think that's a great idea. I'd definitely be able to help proofread, at the very least.


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Joined: 07/27/2010

Ok thanks! Right now I'm trying to work out a basic outline. For example

Chapter 1: Installation
Chapter 2: Software Installation
Chapter 3: Desktop Setup
Chapter 7: Privacy and protection (e.g. basic tor; disc encryption)

Also I want to explain that this will obviously be for people new to GNU/Linux. One of the reasons people tell their friends to install Ubuntu is because of the reputation it has for being user friendly. A lot of people don't try GNU/Linux because they are set in their ways with another proprietary system (e.g. windows) and are afraid trying something new will be different and hard. I just want this first manual to be for those people. How to setup your email and get get DVD's to play.

Obviously for power users or gurus this will be childs play. However the goal of free software is not to have just power users and gurus and leave everyone else to fend for themselves. It is to have a community and we want to make it easy to join and easy for people to feel comfortable. Thanks again everyone!

Magic Banana

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Joined: 07/24/2010

Like done for the distro itself, could we use an Ubuntu book as a base? Of course, it has to be freely editable. In French, Simple comme Ubuntu, under the CC BY-SA 3.0 license, is a reference. I do not of an equivalent book in English but it probably exists.


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Joined: 07/27/2010

Yes, this would be specifically for Trisquel GNU/Linux. I was planning on using the GNU Free Documentation License. It would also adhere to free distro guidelines and only use free software as examples (e.g. evolution for mail) and not recommend any proprietary software.


I am a translator!

Joined: 07/27/2010

Awesome idea about a printed documentation. One could print it out in high quality and sell it, while having the same thing up as .pdf on the site.

I can proof-read and translate (German, Russian). Would be glad to help out, atm I'm kind of busy, so near the end of the year or from January I can start doing stuff!

Jose Benito

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Joined: 02/20/2009

I can translate to spanish :)

this also can be usable in the wiki, wich is necessary improve

(by the way, i believe already exist some efforts to doing a mannual, i think by quiliro, in Ecuador, but i don't know how it goes.)


I am a translator!

Joined: 12/28/2009

Thanks for all your hard work on the add-ons, SirGrant.

I think most of what we would need to turn into a help file already readily exists in the documentation section of this website. The hardest part would be translating everything to Spanish, Galician, French, and German.


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I am a translator!

Joined: 07/27/2010

Exactly Andrew, I plan to use the current documentation as a basis. I just want to expand it. I want more screenshots and more step by step instructions. My goal is that you would be able to give it to someone who is technically illiterate and they would be able to go from nothing to a having great Trisquel desktop.


I am a translator!

Joined: 12/28/2009

I suggest you make your desired changes to the wiki and simply adapt that verbatim for the offline documentation.


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Joined: 09/06/2010

Hey folks,

i like that idea. We should get this documentation running cause we could use it to give it away if we have a booth on a Linux Convention or something similar. So people could read about our goals and how to setup a proper system. I think thats a big lag an GNU/Linux system. The only distributions i've seen with a propper docu were Slackware, Gentoo and of course FreeBSD (i know that not gnu/linux).

Furthermore a printable version of a docu would be great for users with no internet connection e.g. some schools abroad.

So SirGrant if you've something to do or show just let us know and add a wikipage to the project.


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I am a translator!

Joined: 07/27/2010

I actually probably won't have time to work on it until after new years. I am currently visiting my family for new years so I'm spending time w/ them. I'll have minimal time online to work.

See you guys in 2011.

Joined: 12/03/2010

I'll help with templates and documentation come 2011.

Cheers and looking forward to a happy new year.