Ubuntu Netbook Edition?

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Joined: 12/28/2009

Since in a couple of years all netbooks (and even the average "legacy" computer) will be powerful enough for the standard Trisquel and a lightweight distribution will no longer be as justified, I think eventually we ought to transition to an edition with the Unity desktop and the same (heavyweight) default applications and phase out Trisquel Mini. The Unity desktop will be best suited for netbooks and tablets, while the standard desktop edition for larger screens will keep the current Gnome-based interface, which is ideal and does not need to change. The only hindrance I see is the fact that Unity requires 3D accelaration, but maybe there will be a workaround by then.



I am a translator!

Joined: 12/28/2009

BTW, the proper title of this thread should be "Trisquel Netbook Edition?", but it's too late to change that now.


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Joined: 04/19/2011

I got trisquel desktop on a Netbook and beside a maybe smaller bottom bar it is no problem using it. i dont really like unity, the Netbook edition screen before was in my opinion better (this full screen menu).


I am a translator!

Joined: 12/28/2009

Some converts from Ubuntu may actually have gotten accustomed to and prefer Unity, so a Netbook edition of Trisquel would be appealing.

Joined: 09/23/2010

Unity2d anyone??


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As long as it is possible to install other Desktop Environments, I don't care. I tried to install XFCE and that did not work out. Perhaps it's the amount of Trisquel-specific stuff that the XFCE in the repository is lacking? I don't know.

Joined: 06/04/2011

I just found Trisquel, have tried Ubuntu 9.10, 10.04, 10.10, Mint 10, Ubuntu Ultimate Edition, EasyPeasy, (not in any special order)
and I like Trisquel Mini on my EEE 1005ha the best of any of them.
Fast, small, nice to look at, but best of all, IT WORKS.

I am new to Linux, moved over from Mac, bought the Asus, hate windoze, always have, always will, found Linux, now a happy camper.

For folks like me, Mini will always have a place.

btw, nice to meet everyone.

Joined: 09/23/2010

Welcome to the camp.. :) and its great it works for you.. :)

Magic Banana

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Joined: 07/24/2010

Welcome to the Free world!

Please, understand that the operating system you are using is GNU/Linux (Linux is the kernel only): http://www.gnu.org/gnu/why-gnu-linux.html

Adrian Malacoda

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Joined: 12/26/2010

I can't speak for netbook users because I am not one, but I would rather not see Unity as a default on any Trisquel edition. Unity is engineered, like the desktop interfaces of proprietary OS's, to be nigh impossible to change and customize compared to Gnome 2, KDE, and other more lightweight shells and DE's.

Development of unity is headed by ubuntu (as opposed to community-oriented projects), and ubuntu's leaders tend to make unilateral decisions on things like that. If so desired, it's possible to create a Unity-like interface suitable for netbooks using either the current Gnome panel setup or a more lightweight DE.


I am a translator!

Joined: 12/28/2009

I'd love to see a Unity-like interface using Gnome. Heck, it's probably been done already.

Joined: 03/12/2010

Well to simulate Unity's sidebar i guess most of the Docks out there can provide a similar behaviour. Maybe the most similar to Unity's dock is DockbarX.

Joined: 03/04/2011

I believe it is called GNOME3.


I am a translator!

Joined: 12/28/2009

Here is a comparison of Unity and Gnome 3's shell: http://www.techrepublic.com/blog/opensource/gnome-shell-vs-ubuntu-unity-which-desktop-wins/2291

I'm going to try Gnome 3 out and get a sense of how awesome it is.

In case anyone didn't know, Unity is still Gnome under the hood, so in a major sense, Canonical is still benefiting from and working with the community.