Use of non free software
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Hi, I have Windows 7 in one partition and Trisquel 8.0 in other partition. Windows can't access to my info at
Trisquel. I want to know what's wrong if I use non-free software in Windows in that case.
You cannot use non-free software. They use you instead.
Could you please explain how can be used if I use a non free CAD software?
It's kind of a top tenet in free libre software world: a proprietary program uses the user and denies the user his/her rights.
A free person would not use proprietary software. Most of us are not free in any true sense of the word. We can't always choose between liberty and subjugation (work, study, JavaScript).
There's always the possibility to refuse, but it would entail drastic measures: quitting a job or making other inconvenient steps to stay free.
I'm not sure which way you look at this question: practicality (malware) or philosophy (ethics). Both are good reasons not to use Windows. Besides, GNU/Linux is "better" in most ways (cheap, libre, easy, works out of the box, anonymous).
I'd say it's a personal choice what software you run. But whenever I use Windows, I always borrow someone else's computer, since I don't want to sign the End-User License Agreement (I have never done so as an adult and would like to keep it that way).
ok, that's your point of view but that is not an answer to my question.
I don't see why not. You're asking for moralistic judgments in the OP, and I'm telling you I have none.
Or put another way, if someone asked what's wrong with eating meat, and I answered that "what you eat is your choice", perhaps it's indirect, but would it not be an answer to the question? The answer implied is, quite simply, "nothing at all".
On the other hand, if you have a specific goal in mind and want to know if a particular configuration runs counter to that goal, I didn't see you specify what that goal is.
Well, I'm using Freecad instead of Solidworks. Solidworks is technically better but I feel better using Freecad. I suposse the vegetarian people feels better no eating meat. I would like not use private software at all but it is impossible from my actual position. In past days I was reading about Alma llenera at and he is clearly a slave to the food. That's the reason of his big stomach....jejejeje He is free in the sense of software but slave in the sense of food.
Eating is the universal addiction.
jajajajaja, obesity is a world problem.
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