very good documentary

14 respostas [Última entrada]
Joined: 12/05/2014

this post is not related to trisquel and please feel free to down-vote it so it goes to the troll hole
however i thought i would post it here as i feel most of the people here would be willing to take it seriously
and not assume that i am crazy as is common with most pepole(that i have met)

anyway i highly recommend watching this documentary here is a link:

even if your offended about the first part about that’s about religion
i highly recommend you keep watching
i learned more about the world in the 1 hour and 50 minits of the video
than years of my life before

Casey Parker
Joined: 02/05/2015

It's ... it's a good film. I'll give you that. It's not a documentary
though ... but it's entertaining and cool to think about.

On Tue Feb 10 2015 at 1:49:48 PM <name at domain> wrote:

> this post is not related to trisquel and please feel free to down-vote it
> so
> it goes to the troll hole
> however i thought i would post it here as i feel most of the people here
> would be willing to take it seriously
> and not assume that i am crazy as is common with most pepole(that i have
> met)
> anyway i highly recommend watching this documentary here is a link:
> youtube-dl
> even if your offended about the first part about that’s about religion
> i highly recommend you keep watching
> i learned more about the world in the 1 hour and 50 minits of the video
> than years of my life before

Joined: 12/05/2014

i should of said film

Joined: 07/11/2014


Casey Parker
Joined: 02/05/2015

It really is worth watching. Just watch with a huge grain of salt.

On Tue Feb 10 2015 at 9:19:49 PM <name at domain> wrote:

> Hmmmm

Joined: 05/13/2010

Don't click that google link (=youtube) there are torrents available, it's the first film in this series

google already knows all too much about you...

Joined: 12/05/2014

if you use torrents i am fairly sure your ip address is still reviled

but if you want to stay anonymous while getting this film use a live cd on a laptop with no permanent storage at all
outside your house using tor

Joined: 12/05/2014

on future reflection this should be in the troll hole as its not too do with trisquel please someone down-vote this post


I am a translator!

Joined: 10/31/2014

Saw this years ago - twice. I would be happy if those criticizing it would elaborate and prove the points that they reckon to be exaggerated or historically or conceptually incorrect.

Joined: 07/27/2013

Their is a lot of videos out there like this. Many of them are good. Most of them have good and bad parts. Watch a lot of them and get your own picture. Your view will change over time the more you see. Be interested, be open, have a open mind to be able to change your view when new information comes your way. Dont forget to be skeptical because their is a lot of crap out there. Something maybe is true today but with more information that will change, and the new truth will also change and morph over time. See from the angel the information comes from and what image the creator of the documentary/film try to paint so you absorb it easier.

A tip is look at the things that today is not acceptable according to education and media. Their you will find a lot of interesting things. The things education, media and politicians is saying over and over and over again is often lies that needs to be alive. Same with things that never gets to the news or is always painted in a certain way or some specific facts is always ignored in the reporting. As in the book 1984 where the telescreen says who you hate.

Ignorance is a bliss and it is rampant today. But at the same time people also start questioning more even when more TV series, movies, sport, "ignore reality", things to do is so much more today. Very interesting times we live in...

Do the Trisquel team like "tin foil conspiracy nut case" movies being recommended in their forum?

For me this is a "The troll hole" and not "Trisquel user" thread.


I am a translator!

Joined: 10/31/2014

this should be placed in the t-hole being off topic, not because it is a "conspiracy documentary/movie". I just finished re-watching it - if you exclude the last five minutes of the video (microchip - that is a story told by a guy and doesn't prove anything nor it is supported by facts) Zeitgeist is excellent. And it contains no conspiracy. Plain facts. It's even better then how I remembered it. Especially the third part - the creation of debt. Highly recommended!

Joined: 01/09/2013

The documentary is just a "lame duck" movie, I don't see any value, motivation on that lame movie..Ill rather drink my tequila while reading Shakespeare, instead of wasting my time with a lame duck movie..I'm Clicking back to my shot of tequila and my Shakespeare.

Casey Parker
Joined: 02/05/2015

Guys, you're making us all look a little unintelligent. Study up on
scientific theory and statistics, and don't ever forget that the onus of
proof is on the one suggesting something is fact. If you watch something
like Zeitgeist and then ask others to "Prove it's not true" - you're
essentially the sort of person who would pay for a bear-repelling jacket
(normal jacket) because you can't prove it isn't why you aren't being
attacked by bears. It's entertaining, it's got absolutely nothing to do
with opensource or facts, and it can stop now.

On Wed Feb 11 2015 at 10:44:50 AM <name at domain> wrote:

> The documentary is just a "lame duck" movie, I don't see any value,
> motivation on that lame movie..Ill rather drink my tequila while reading
> Shakespeare, instead of wasting my time with a lame duck movie..I'm
> Clicking
> back to my shot of tequila and my Shakespeare.

Joined: 04/22/2013

"I'm Clicking back to my shot of tequila and my Shakespeare."

Can it be that you are deliberatly creating those latino-clichees??

Zem Mattress
Joined: 05/08/2014

A film approaching the level of craftsmanship and using the same connect-the-dots sleight of hand logic of the 9-11 Truther film "Loose Change". Or in a word "garbage" - with even worse graphics and editing. Quite a feat.

A one hour lecture by Noam Chomsky would cover the same concerns about power and control but convincingly and with gravitas.