Video playback other than YouTube?

5 respostas [Última entrada]
Joined: 02/24/2012

I've already read through many of the postings on the topic of flash compatibility on this forum. Does anyone have a working combination which would allow me to view videos on this website without Adobe?

I've tried:
IceCat 7.0.1
IceCat 10.0
Iceweasel 3.5.16
Midori 0.2.4-3
Epiphany 2.30.6

using gnash with & without FlashVideoReplacer

No dice, they just show me a blank box.

Joined: 08/04/2011

Not sure about that particular site, but I'm able to watch videos on both Youtube and Vimeo.

I'm currently on Abrowser 10.0.2 and using Linterna Magica. So far, it works extremely well. Just ensure that you have the following addons/plugins enabled on the browser:


Joined: 09/20/2010

In my system linterna magica crash, it loads over the comments on youtube.

Joined: 07/26/2010

В 16:16 +0100 на 26.02.2012 (нд), name at domain написа:
> In my system linterna magica crash, it loads over the comments on youtube.

Send a bug report. [1] Include your browser version, the debug output of
Linterna Magica when the debug option is set to 5 and the possibly the
links at which it crashes. Then I might be able to fix it. Thanks.


Joined: 05/15/2011

I know there have been Greasemonkey scripts like and to download MP4, WebM, and FLV locally but of course most people want to stream. I haven't looked at Lintera Magica in a while, but does that script get the direct links to the MP4 or WebM in the same way the Greasemonkey scripts do and push to the VLC or Totem plugins?

Joined: 07/26/2010

В 18:04 +0100 на 26.02.2012 (нд), tegskywalker[@nospam] написа:

> I haven't looked at Lintera
> Magica in a while, but does that script get the direct links to the MP4 or
> WebM in the same way the Greasemonkey scripts do and push to the VLC or Totem
> plugins?

I don't know for other scripts, but I can tell you how Linterna Magica
works in YouTube. The website returns a lot of scripts. These are parsed
as text and searched for few special variables that hold direct URLs to
the clips and a map that connects the format with the link, so links can
be selected in the interface. Then one preferred link (depends on
config) is passed to HTML usually with mime-type video/flv.
When it is inserted into the document the browser starts the plugin
responsible for the mime-type. Does that answer your question?