When is the community repo going live? Would like to see some packages added.

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Joined: 05/15/2011

When Trisquel moved to LTS only for version 6, there were some ideas thrown around about doing a community repo where users could add software not in the main repositories and potentially some backports like LibreOffice for example.

I'd really like to see Cinnamon in the community repo and use https://launchpad.net/~lestcape/+archive/ubuntu/cinnamon as a source. I think this would be a great desktop to have and eventually we can have a "trisquel-theme-cinnamon" added that is tailored to the Trisquel theme we have come to love over the years.

Can we make it happen?

Joined: 04/19/2005

Yes, you can create an account on https://devel.trisquel.info , create a helper, and send a merge request to the trisquel main branch.

You can use the make-youtube-dl as example.

Also, feel free to join #trisquel-dev on freenode, and ask there any questions you got.

Joined: 05/15/2011

I created an account on the devel.trisquel.info soon after my post. I look forward to contributing code in personal repos.

Joined: 04/19/2005

That should be possible for trusted users. I'm emailing you the credentials needed in order to make our jenkins instance build your own code.