x200 got some chai
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If you don't care much about the preliminaries, please skip to [*].
Yesterday, a series of bad things happened.
First, I went to the beach to surf when it was still dark in the morning. Quite right after going to a convenience store near the beach, I noticed that the rear wheel of my scooter had a flat tire. I had left my gorilla at home and the bike shop didn't open until 10:00 a.m. and it was only about 5:00 a.m., so I decided to drag the bike to the beach and kill some time by surfing.
The surfboard (mine) hit my face twice and I bled. It hurt, but it didn't look like it was going to so badly, so I just kept surfing. Before I went into the ocean, I had put some cigarettes and drinks on the beach, but when I got out of the water, I found that my cigarettes were gone. Maybe crows stole them. It was past ten o'clock, so I dragged my scooter to the bike shop.
Normally, repairing a puncture is as simple as plungging the hole, but the nail that was stuck in the tire was quite long and had penetrated the side of the tire too. Therefore, I had to replace the tire. The tires had recently been replaced with new ones... The bike shop didn't have any new tires in stock, so he put in an used bald tire that don't have much grooves.
After riding for a while, I noticed that the scooter was shaking strangely. I took it to the bike shop again and he said it was probably something in the driver was broken... I had just recently had the drive system too repaired... I do remember that I got a used belt and used it. In any case, I'll have to open the crankcase again to find out why. I asked another bike shop and a friend, but they all said something wrong with the drive-train...
I had a few more mishaps after that... [...] ... anyway, I came home exhausted, posted one post on Trisquel, and went to bed.
When I woke up in the morning, I found that the cup on the table in my shak had tipped over and the drink in it had spilled onto the X200. I hadn't turned it on the machine, but I had left the charging cable plugged in. I think the volume of fluid was about 50ml.
I disassembled it and took a look at it, but it seems that only the lower right side was covered with water. The circuit board has the sound card? and the SD card slot and one USB port and the mic(already removed) was quite wet. But the motherboard? and including the rest of the whole inside, including the motherboard, didn't seem to get wet at all. However, there was a little bit of water in the connecter of the maother board with the ribbon code of the right down side circuit board.
Also, there was a little water on one of the memories, but I think it was just water that got between the table and the laptop. There was no other place in the memory slot where there was water. Also, there was quite a bit of vaporized water on the back of the palm rest. I wiped everything out.
The drink was Chai (shitty Indian drink) with sugar, and I didn't want it to get sticky, so I poured a little alcohol on the keyboard and the cuicuit board, and wiped it off.
Now I've left it disassembled to dry. I haven't turned the machine on yet.
I've looked up the solutions on the internet, but I haven't seen any information on what to do if the power isn't on, but the power cable is.
If there is anything else I should do, please let me know. Thank you in advance.
By the way, I was able to remove this electronic board. I would like to soak it in the alcohol, as I don't think wiping it down will completely remove the sugar and other components, is that a bad idea?

Especially vitamin C.
Maybe I opened this thread in the General Free Software Talk instead of the Troll Lounge...
Anyway I assembled the X200 after letting it dry enough. First I installed the battery and the charge light came on. Next I pressed the power button, but there was no response.
Considering the possibility that the battery was dead, I plugged in the power cable and pressed the power button, but there was no response. I considered the possibility that the ribbon cord of the keyboard was not connected properly, but it was.
This machine probably won't boot anymore, but I misplaced the ribbon cord when I installed the bottom right board. Could this have something to do with the machine not booting?
Also, does the bottom right board need to be connected to the motherboard for the computer to boot? If I don't particularly need it, I may sometimes want to remove this board.
I could share some experience when dealing notebooks with food/drink spilled on it. First try to remove most contaminant using a brush. Then clean the remaining contaminant using distilled (deionized) water. Don't re-assemble your computer too hastily (before fully dried).
I successfully cleaned an X200s lent to one of my students (who was a snack and beverage lover). Only some keys on the keyboard become insensitive, and I replaced the keyboard.
It is worth to try. This laptop is dead anyway. I have already soaked the boards in alcohol, though. I will report the result. Thank youyou.
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