xrandr: how to install (or replace) it ?

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Joined: 04/11/2015

Hello, because the firmware of my 19" screen is buggy (it says "i'm 1024x768" while it can do "1280x1024"), I need to use the following command :

xrandr --newmode "1280x1024" 109.00 1280 1368 1496 1712 1024 1027 1034 1063 -hsync +vsync
xrandr --addmode VGA1 "1280x1024"

This script work with Linux Mint 17, but with Trisquel v7 (i'm new to Trisquel), xrandr is impossible to install with "sudo apt-get install xrandr" (depreciated command ?).

Is is possible to install the xrandr command ? or is there something to replace it ?

Joined: 12/16/2009

Hi! :)

It's in the package 'x11-xserver-utils', so do a:

sudo aptitude install x11-xserver-utils

You can use this page to search for a specific file in all Trisquel packages, so you know what to install: http://packages.trisquel.info/#search_contents

I'm not sure, if this program will solve your issue or what else you can do, apart from maybe buying more free software friendly video hardware.

Joined: 04/11/2015

Thank you Mampir. Now I can run xrandr.