YouTube not working again
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Since yesterday, instead of Flashvideoreplacer initiating, I just see the Flash version of the video and it doesn't play, instead I just see a black background with the text "An error occurred, please try again later."
Do others have this problem?
This just got fixed with the latest FVR update.
Hi, with the latest version of FVR 2.1.8 the problem is still present with the same error "An error occurred, please try again later."
The download option save a 0 bytes file on the PC ... :(
I think you have to block cookies from YouTube. That's what I did to get rid of the "An error occurred, please try again later." By the way, I disabled FVR, but have Flashblock enabled. That is if I want to watch in stream format.
For downloading, I recommend using YouTube Video Download for Greasemonkey: . It's one of my must-haves for the browser.
Have you updated to FVR 2.1.9? It's the latest as of today. Personally, I use the 2.1.10pre.
@prvteprts what do you mean you disabled FVR and have flashblock enabled, please explain how you did this and to watch in stream format, what do you mean by this too?
I disabled cookies and YouTube videos work, but this can be a pain constantly needing to do this in order to watch...
Would be nice if we can get some type of fix for this...
dasfox[@nospam] wrote:
> I disabled cookies and YouTube videos work, but this can be a pain constantly
> needing to do this in order to watch...
> Would be nice if we can get some type of fix for this...
I think I might be getting annoying, promoting my project on the list,
but anyway...
Check Linterna Mágica. [1] [2] It works in YouTube with or without
cookies enabled trough a special hack. You don't have to enable/disable
cookies. Nobody complained about this yet, but theoretically this
cookies hack might break some features.
[1] (there
is Linterna Mágica section).
I second using this!
Well I don't do much in the way of flash online, but when I do it's nice to know it works, not just for video, but flash on a site...
Here, perfect example of a game I use to play that has Flash animation on the site;
So now with the flash on the homepage how do you play this embedded on the site, just like how Adobe Flash would render it?
Flash is considered as proprietary software and is not used on Trisquel. It instead uses Gnash. However, it still needs to be developed further as there are some sites that it won't run properly on.
robsanchez[@nospam] wrote:
> Flash is considered as proprietary software and is not used on Trisquel. It
> instead uses Gnash. However, it still needs to be developed further as there
> are some sites that it won't run properly on.
(Not speaking directly to you, just using the context).
Flash is not even documented. Gnash is developed mainly by reverse
engineering. Adobe had released some information, but according to Gnash
developers, it was next to useless, because this was already reverse
engineered (years ago).
Another issue with flash is that 99% of the data/programs served with
flash objects are proprietary software - games, tools, video players
etc. They are compiled and users don't have access to the source code.
So for that America's Army site as an example there is nothing that can be done, nothing works?
This is one very BIG reason why I don't really use Trisquel or any other Libre distro....
I just installed 4.5 to check it out, I like to play around with distros, but honestly if all sites can't work, then it's junk...
I've been checking in and out with this gnash scene for 2-3 years and it's never been up to par with Adobe Flash, it always seems like something that is always needing to be further developed and honestly I don't want to sit around using a half broke system to wait any longer, it's not acceptable...
Yeah I'll be honest I want it free and a nice free OS, but I want to be able to enjoy the web and not see it all broke because we need to keep waiting on development...
dasfox[@nospam] wrote:
> This is one very BIG reason why I don't really use Trisquel or any other
> Libre distro....
> I just installed 4.5 to check it out, I like to play around with distros, but
> honestly if all sites can't work, then it's junk...
No, it is not. It is a matter of freedom vs. (technical) convenience.
And it's hard especially when you have habits. You will be frustrated
few weeks and get over it. I've experienced it few years ago. Now it is
just annoying that flash is used on so many sites where it is not really
needed - showing images for example. My opinion is that flash is useless
junk! I am not 100% sure, but I think everything that made with flash
could be done with HTML only. Oh, and flash is not a standard either. As
I've said in my other message, it is not documented.
I think you are blaming the wrong people here. Basically you are saying Trisquel and gnash are junk because they don't work as well as the proprietary flash player. I have met Rob Savoye (gnash developer who is super cool might I add). gnash will NEVER be a full replacement for flash player because it is a reverse engineering project. This takes time and the amount of gnash developers is very limited and last I heard they were having trouble finding decent funding. I asked Rob what he would do if flash were no longer used on the internet and he said he would be thrilled! Either way it is "half broke (your words not mine)" because adobe keeps it proprietary and makes creating a replacement super difficult. Therefor in my opinion the blame rests on adobe and not any gnash developer. Plus how can you say "it's not acceptable". I'm sorry but that sounds like a total sense of entitlement. What have you given them (any donations?) to hold them accountable to any sort of timetable. You are neither their customer nor employer. You are basically getting gnash at no charge (with freedom included) so to say it is "unacceptable" at it's level of development is kinda insulting. They are attempting to give you the tools to break free from a proprietary technology. Especially when they put in so much time and work without demanding anything back.
Also the reason so many sites depend on flash is because something like 99% of computers have it installed. If this precentage drops the web will become less dependent on it. I think this should happen.
So in conclusion I think flash is the junk and it should be ditched. Not free software like gnash and trisquel. The reason it is broke is because we (and I mean the worldwide computer using community) have depended on adobe for too long. I think it is time to stop. Viva webm for video!
Yes that's right, I forgot I was told it can all be done in HTML5 and that's what's coming next...
Ok with the Linterna Mágica can it work in Trisquel 4.5 Web Browser, or do I need to get Firefox 4 for it?
I grabbed the .js script and placed it in the Web Browser path;
But I don't see anything working still...
dasfox[@nospam] wrote:
> Yes that's right, I forgot I was told it can all be done in HTML5 and that's
> what's coming next...
Well even with older versions of HTML. If not all, almost everything
could be done. What is left is insignificant and not important. For
example Linterna Mágica uses pure HTML to play video - flash is not
really needed even for this.
> Ok with the Linterna Mágica can it work in Trisquel 4.5 Web Browser, or do
> I need to get Firefox 4 for it?
It works. Web Browser is Firefox with different name and branding.
> I grabbed the .js script and placed it in the Web Browser path;
> ~/.mozilla/firefox/cy4544q2.default$
> But I don't see anything working still...
At least one directory level deeper. :)
Get Greasemonkey [1]. When it is installed clicking the .js file link
will pop-up a installation window. Install a browser video plugin.
Packages: totem-mozilla, mozilla-plugin-vlc or xine-plugin. I recommend
Totem. Install only one video plugin. This is documented at the website.
There are also few configuration options documented.
Sorry SirGrant, I mean the situation is junk not gnash or Trisquel...
I just mean this situation we are in is just not acceptable and it's ashame that something hasn't been done sooner to get us into our Freedoms now, so we could be free from all this mess.
I don't like having to be stuck with Flash and it sucks we just don't have any 100% working alternative is all I meant...
Sorry for any confusion...
ivaylo why do you recommend Totem? I've personally never been a fan of Totem, I really do like however VLC...
So why Totem?
dasfox[@nospam] wrote:
> ivaylo why do you recommend Totem? I've personally never been a fan of Totem,
> I really do like however VLC...
> So why Totem?
Since the project began I've tested and used (more then a month per
plugin) all the supported video plugins. At different points of time
each behaved better then the rest, with the exception of Xine maybe.
Currently my observations are that Totem (2.32) behaves best. Caches
fast and most clips start after 1-2-3 seconds. VLC had some issues at
some point, but can't say anything specific against it at the moment.
So, caching mainly. I think VLC will download the entire file before
starting with some web sites. I have had written some notes about VLC
being unable to switch to full-screen mode, or absence of controls in
fulls-screen mode, but don't know if this is still true.
The plugins are not exposing much of the stand alone player interface,
so it has nothing to do with that.
Other then that Totem is already installed in Trisquel, because it is
part of GNOME.
In Web Browser I see there is plugin 'VLC Multimedia Plugin' but below it, it says; 'The Totem 2.32.0 plugin handles video and audio streams'
So what is this VLC or Totem?
I disabled FVR in Web Browser but at CNN's site for videos nothing plays...
Will Linterna Mágica play any streaming videos online?
Also I noticed the 'Click to play' still appears, but on YouTube it disappeared as soon as the video started, I just thought this 'Click to play' was a part of FVR and since I disabled it, I shouldn't see it?
dasfox[@nospam] wrote:
> In Web Browser I see there is plugin 'VLC Multimedia Plugin' but below it, it
> says; 'The Totem 2.32.0 plugin handles video and audio streams'
> So what is this VLC or Totem?
Totem should report 'VLC Multimedia *Compatible* Plugin'. It is
compatible with VLC as the name states.
> I disabled FVR in Web Browser but at CNN's site for videos nothing plays...
CNN needs special digging and investigations and I didn't have the time
to examine it in depth. It is not working.
> Will Linterna Mágica play any streaming videos online?
Most probably not. It is not perfect. Most streams use RTMP for
streaming which is too much for the limitations of the userscript/
greasemonkey script.
> Also I noticed the 'Click to play' still appears, but on YouTube it
> disappeared as soon as the video started, I just thought this 'Click to play'
> was a part of FVR and since I disabled it, I shouldn't see it?
Is this part of FVR? I've tested a while ago with both FVR and Linterna
Mágica installed, and it turned out I had to disable FVR.
To me this reads as a VLC plugin;
Darn I was hoping Linterna Mágica would work on all streaming media online...
I might have to go back to Ubuntu, the Internet for my work is to important and it all has to work 100%...
dasfox[@nospam] wrote:
> To me this reads as a VLC plugin;
Nope, it's Totem. It is practice to detect a plugin / video mimetype by
plugin name and string matching. That is why it states VLC (compatible
> Darn I was hoping Linterna Mágica would work on all streaming media
> online...
Well some day maybe. It is far from that, yet. There is a tool,
rtmpdump, that might be able to play RTMP streams, but it requires some
effort. Maybe someone had found out how to do it for CNN. I'm not even
sure do they use RTMP for streaming.
As for the Gnash project, I say: cut them some mad slack! They are highly underfunded, they are legally restricted from even installing Flash on their computers because Flash's EULA prevents studying for the purpose of reverse engineering, and they're doing all their coding in C++ (how many of us can program, period?)! It's Adobe's fault for taking this giant steaming non-free dump on the World Wide Web called Flash. Let's hope that in the coming years HTML5 will become the de facto standard and Flash remembered as a relic of a darker age.
The problem is not Proprietary vs OpenSource the problem is to not allow anyone to dominate.
What I'd like to know is why the computer world at large allowed Adobe to take control of this situation and corner it and own it?
The EU certainly didn't allow that with the Windows Media Player that is now ripped out of EU versions of Windows, or at least it use to be, when we saw a company like MS in the past try to dominate too.
So really the question is, WHY did the world sit by and allow Adobe to takeover the scene and when will we put and end to it?
In the world of Technology, let the lesson here be, that no one company should be allowed to dominate the internet the way Adobe has, for the betterment of future technology advances...
When one company holds it all, then no one can advance the technology...
Flash dominated because there was no alternative (Silverlight? Pfft) and because 99 out of 100 Internet users simply do not care. Sad, but true.
I think not caring goes to a point, but the fact that the EU stood up against WMP and IE and ripped one out and made it so when you started MS for the first time and were offered browser alternatives shows a concern over companies that try to corner the market.
So I guess the problem is, no one has seen Flash as a threat, otherwise this would of been stomped on...
The problem is, holding to Flash hinders the advancement of technology and sooner or later Adobe will have to change or some change is going to have to take place and that change is suppose to be HTML5
Well basically we broke it so we have to fix it. The only way to fix it is to not use it. When you go to youtube use their html5 player ect. Flash use did dip last year ( so it isn't like it can't be done. With the emergence in webm i believe it can happen. It is just a matter of time in my opinion.
As for gnash I still think it is needed. I just got a job and they make me do this idiotic PC assessment online ( where they ask me stupid questions like what is a mouse? However it is a requirement for the job and not something I can avoid. Maybe I'll donate the extra money I make to the gnash project. However, a lot of things you can avoid like using flash on websites like youtube. So my opinion is use it as little as possible and use gnash when absolutely necessary.
1st of all - yeah use free software... if you want to keep using flash - you have to download the firefox add on "flash aid" which will delete the old cookies and conflicting versions of flash player
I grabbed Minitube instead, works really good.
Not really a hardcore youtuber :)
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