Software Sources expects a "debian" disk when searching for package files

Categoría:informe de erro
Asignado:Sen asignar

Going system > admin > software sources and opening other software tab and clicking Add CD-ROM produces this profanity:

And triggering the bullet proof X brings up this obscenity:

I call these Trisquebian and Trisqubuntu, the confusers of new users. :)

Xov, 06/17/2010 - 22:38

The first bug is that the LiveCD does not contain a repository Trisquel extra packages.

The second bug may be due to an inconsistency in your hardware and its recognition by free software. Trisquel is derived from Ubuntu. You can find the text alluding to the window and change for "Trisquel". You are free to modify :)

I do not see much problem with these issue.

Ven, 06/18/2010 - 16:55

"You can find the text alluding to the window and change for "Trisquel". You are free to modify :)

I do not see much problem with these issue."

Granted it's not a big issue, it's still a issue and therefor it should be fixed. That's why it's posted here. Some may be able to fix this on their own, but the main point of a bug tracker is that issues are fixed from the source, so everyone receives the fixed version, and they would not have to bother to fix things on their own.

Sáb, 04/14/2012 - 03:38
Estado:active» needs more info

Lembas, the system > admin > software sources one no longer says that.

I don't know how to trigger bullet proof X. Is there any way you could either instruct me how to do so or test it yourself and report back if the issue has been fixed in the later versions of Trisquel. Thanks!

Sáb, 04/14/2012 - 14:57
Estado:needs more info» active

The BulletProofX message is fixed in 5.0. You can trigger it by stopping gdm and executing /etc/gdm/failsafeXServer as root:

# From a terminal emulator:
sudo service gdm stop

# From text mode:
sudo /etc/gdm/failsafeXServer

The Software Sources message is still there in 5.0. It comes from the apt package. It can be triggered from the live environment. I don't know how to trigger it from the installed one.

Sáb, 04/14/2012 - 18:19

Thank you for the info. I tried it on the installed version. I will test on the liveCD. Thank you for the info Mampir.

Dom, 04/15/2012 - 08:30

Ok, the bulletproofX issue is solved. The only issue remains is that the software sources program expects a "debian" disk. This is a branding issue.

Marking bug as duplicate. Consolidating all branding issues under:

Trisquel Bug #5052 (Comprehensive Trisquel Branding Issue Page)

Dom, 04/15/2012 - 08:31
Título:Trisquel split personality disorder» Software Sources expects a "debian" disk when searching for package files
Estado:active» duplicate