Enviado por
AndrewT o Lun, 01/10/2011 - 23:32
Revisión de FlashFirebug de Mar, 01/11/2011 - 05:01
As revisións permítenlle rastrexar as diferenzas que hai entre distintas versións dunha entrada.
Debug your own SWF files inside the browser. This extension requires the Firebug extension.
Displays Flash objects as a tree using Adobe element standards.
Firebug-like overlay when selecting an element in the tree.
General information about the object and the class the object inherited from.
Supports all Flash display objects including UI components and custom components.
View and edit object properties on the fly!
Trace output to extension via ominds library with the ability to override the built in trace to redirect its output to the extension.
Debug multiple Flashes on same page.