Información persoal
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Between 2007 and 2020 I've been a user of Ubuntu, Debian and/or Trisquel. Computer-based communication with family, friends and a broad range of activists - individuals and organizations - has been my main concern. Since 1967 it has seemed to me that humanity is on the brink of massive changes, both Positive and Negative. In the late 60's it seemed humanity was opting for the Positive, but by the early 1970's the Wealth, Investor, and Power Elites of the World (WIPEs) had greatly concentrated Their wealth and power to serve themselves - the richest 1% at great costs to ALL else. Now, in 2020, If the people around the World who respect Compassion, Intelligence, Creativity and Life in general - don't Unite on the Common Ground of those Values - and ASAP - to change humanity's collective course to a greater degree than ever before in human history - and ACROSS the Whole Spectrum of basic people Types, Values, Nations, Economic and Political Systems, etc - THEN it seems probable that the highly evolved life forms on Earth are seriously risking annihilation by any combination of several human-based endeavors. AS IS, far too much of Humanity is giving in - one way or another - to GREED for personal wealth, power, comfort, convenience, and/or fast-easy avoidance of pain - most of these diverse "ways" being seen from only a short-term perspective. The corresponding DEFICIENCY of True Intelligence, Compassion, Wisdom, Creativity, and Coordinated Cooperation - thus inspired and motivated - to co-create a holistic mega System of Systems - as the viable long-term means for humans to happily & hence gladly - live in harmony with each other, and the rest of the Biosphere.
In spite of the many long-standing and current Negative trends, there are probably more than merely "enough" counter - and Positive - trends converging with increasing rapidity, particularly in the last few months! Its a bit ironic that the conspicuous and dominant Negative trends that still predominate are actually motivating rapidly growing numbers of the World's general public to WAKE UP!... and SEE what IS REALLY GOING ON ON EARTH! It is like WE are collectively playing "Russian Roulette" on the Global scale! Whether mega catastrophe comes about by accidental or deliberate acts that ignite WW3 - and thus cause irreparable planet-trashing in the course of a few days or weeks... or a bit more slowly via "business-as-usual"... IE comprehensive exploitation and degradation of most of our Biosphere, social structures, and most of humanity - which many thousands of scientists, and millions of activists around the World have been warning for 30-50 years.
Since the late 80's I've thought activists could, and would, create a decentralized local to global digital peer-to-peer communications network that would play a fundamental role in helping us Communicate, Cooperate, Collaborate, Co-ordinate, and Co-Create... Comprehensively... IE Sail the 7'Cs ... to the extreme degrees that WE MUST. I'm Still hoping enough activists - globally - will settle on one or more GNU-Linux distros that can & will be collaboratively "tweaked" to serve that Grand purpose... serving as the primary digital communications software to self-organize, educate, plan, etc with the very limited useful time that remains. Since I see little to no major progress in this specific regard - I'm still hoping I may be able to serve as a catalyst to help connect some of the needed people:1) GNU/Linux IT Pros, AND
2)interested leadership across the Whole Spectrum of truly progressive (as defined above) activist CSO/NGOs, Coops, grassroots "groups" and larger "movements, and Social Enterprises.
I still hope BOTH will consciously reach out to each other, and communicate as necessary to enable co-creation of the most reliable local to global peer-peer mega network of networks - like a global nervous system connecting to OUR Collective Consciousness - Systemically designed, tweaked, and integrated to best enable DOING this desperately needed work. Its certainly not a "dirty job", but none-the-less - a LOT of "somebodies" DO have to DO IT! SO... WE are ALL going to have to Wake Up... and Realize that IT can - and "must" BE DONE - AND, that it can be a lot of FUN, not merely a necessary "job", Sailing the 7 C's Together, UNITED... toward our OUR GLOBAL COMMONS.
IF WE CCC enough to DO IT WELL!Personally I'm in the midst of changing my Living style from one based more heavily in what at least "seemed to be" a synthesis of non-religious mysticism and rational thought-based learning, planning, advocating, and networking - toward the above objectives - to whatever limited extent I could. After about 50 years of roller-coastering cycles between: activist work, and just trying to salvage my personal life - all influenced for better and worse by roller-coastering states of mind and being... I de-railed big time in Jan of 2020! It seemed I'd failed completely - never having Loved sufficiently to give as much as I could, and should have... and so "i" self-incinerated to smoldering ash and dust during Jan-Mar of 2020. But, on the brink of April... an appropriate day... it seemed that a phoenix nick-named Bucknibster Fooler was stirring in those ashes.
SO, as of April 2020, though my life's main work - trying to help catalyze the unification of the whole spectrum of caring activist efforts, locally to globally - hasn't changed, BUT, my approach is changing significantly. I'm re-embarking on a more A-V "artsy-fartsy" approach - a personal way of Living that I put on the back-burner about 50 years ago. This time it will be digitally based, so it will integrate well with my previous work - and involve intensive use of GNU/Linux AV software. Basically, I'd like to carry on with at least trying to Save The World... and have serious fun in the process. Am hoping to have better luck in finding and working with kindred spirits in 2020.
- for your own well-being, and humanity's...listen to the following songs,
- and get in touch if some of this resonates well with YOU, and you want to discuss working together in some way(s)... like hastening development of the GNU/Linux packages to build that local-global peer-peer network!!!KEEP THE STREETS OPEN FOR ME, FEVER RAY
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OViRiAUuKxMTHE TROUBLE WITH NORMAL, by Bruce Cockburn
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kybkiiAKMOYMAD WORLD, by Gary Jules... please NOTE: This links to Remix of Song Mad World, by Gary Jules
with Moby Video (ARE YOU LOST IN THE WORLD LIKE ME) - YouTube
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5DU1B_XkyIkTHE UNIVERSAL SOLDIER, by Buffy Ste Marie
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VGWsGyNsw00IN MY OWN DREAM, by Paul Butterfield
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZrpjD20bIyAON THE TURNING AWAY, by Pink Floyd
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5413ws7HxN8THE WAR RACKET, by Buffy Ste Marie
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GzG_4e8yGewI WONDER WHAT WOULD HAPPEN, by Harry Chapin
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_QbbQMxSRA0&index=34&list=PLB9D6A34E2E588D33&t=0sCOLD FEET, by Fink + Lyrics & GreatVideo - DuckDuckGo
https://duckduckgo.com/?q=cold+feet%2C+fink&t=canonical&ia=videos&iax=videos&iai=1vj5eWNZEqoGET UP! STAND UP!, by Bob Marley
https://duckduckgo.com/?q=bob+marley+get+up+stand+up&t=canonical&ia=videos&iax=videos&iai=X2W3aG8uizAPUT OUR HEARTS TOGETHER, by Bruce Cockburn
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oJODP3j2HqQIMAGINE - John Lennon and The Plastic Ono Band (with the Flux Fiddlers) - YouTube
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YkgkThdzX-8THE ARK, by Jerry Rafferty
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uA20Z_6H4v4IF you who read this have lost Hope in these times, PLEASE DO LISTEN TO THESE SONGS! SEE if they help YOU to...
IMAGINE... a local to global activist network, bridging the WHOLE spectrum of people types - all types of activists United by Intelligence, Compassion, and Creativity, and motivated to: Communicate, Cooperate, Collaborate, Co-ordinate, and Co-Create... Comprehensively... IE Sail the 7'Cs in our own ARK - a collectively created city-city, peer-peer digital communications network of networks - run entirely on and with GNU/Linux software!!!...
WELL!!... WTF is every(any?)-one waiting for?_____
PLEASE Get in touch, eh?i entered the 1st draft of this "Personal information" for YOU (any interested individuals) over a month ago... not a single reply... so far...as of June 15, 2020.
- Membro durante
- 11 anos 51 semanas