
TipoContenutoAutoreRisposteUltimo aggiornamento
ProblemaIcedove version in Trisquel repo is obsolete SalmanMohammadi73 anni 5 giorni fa
Problemaxul-ext-torbirdy : Depends: thunderbird (>= 10.0) kete13 anni 5 giorni fa
ProblemaTrisquel Sugar installer doesn't work properly Arder13 anni 5 giorni fa
ProblemaTrisquel Sugar default activities doesn't start up Arder23 anni 5 giorni fa
ProblemaTrisquel Sugar not mount USB/external devices Arder13 anni 5 giorni fa
Problemaxul-ext-lightning 1:52.9.1+build3-0ubuntu0.16.04.1+8.0trisquel1 (Lightning Wrong offsets for America/Sao_Paulo ADFENO13 anni 5 giorni fa
ProblemaNagstamon segfaults sudoman23 anni 5 giorni fa
ProblemaAbrowser 72.0.1 won't load after update. grimlok13 anni 5 giorni fa
ProblemaLinphone doesn't work anatom33 anni 5 giorni fa
ProblemaLaptop freezes at 7G ram usage even though i have 11.6G total ram which i can use hwpplayer123 anni 5 giorni fa
ProblemaWi-fi disconnects when i close my laptop cover hwpplayer123 anni 5 giorni fa
ProblemaCan't browse phone filesystem with KDE Connect indicator at desktop hwpplayer123 anni 5 giorni fa
ProblemaRe-include Scilab Legimet33 anni 5 giorni fa
ProblemaRekonq browser crashed at startup GrevenGull23 anni 5 giorni fa
ProblemaFallo en señal de video con amd 8700p g16688gnu13 anni 5 giorni fa
ProblemaText based network installer FAIL Gnu133 anni 5 giorni fa
ProblemaAbrowser font rendering chaosmonk233 anni 5 giorni fa
ProblemaHow can one update the current OS Menu options that appear right after one enters the CMOS PWD? BuckO'Bryan13 anni 5 giorni fa
ProblemaMATE Screensave Doesn't Support TOTP jxself43 anni 5 giorni fa
ProblemaFallo en el renderizado de tipografías avrtm13 anni 5 giorni fa
Problemapulseaudio depends on libsnapd-glib1 which only exists in ubuntu iank23 anni 5 giorni fa
ProblemaProgram selection error Unknown9813 anni 5 giorni fa
ProblemaGraphics support for SIS drivers amtrakuk23 anni 5 giorni fa
ProblemaLatvian e-ID unmet dependencies - broken packages? ( browser extension for Firefox) Martins33 anni 5 giorni fa
Problemabad mirror, no fallback mechanism chaosmonk23 anni 5 giorni fa