TipoContenutoAutoreRisposteUltimo aggiornamento
ProblemaList of Abrowser & Icecat issues andrew312 anni 3 settimane fa
ProblemaCritical security vunerability: Update to pidgin-otr to version 4.0.2 G4JC22 anni 14 settimane fa
ProblemaInclude GNU LibreJS by default with abrowser SirGrant82 anni 14 settimane fa
Forum TopicI'm leaving Trisquel Mzee1227 anni 21 settimane fa
Forum TopicTrisquel 8 is almost 6 months late. Do something. Anything. t3g57 anni 29 settimane fa
Forum TopicSaying Good-bye to Windows grimlok198 anni 4 settimane fa
ProblemaThe forum exposes my email address (accounts page says it will not be made public) lembas158 anni 5 settimane fa
Forum TopicTweak your browser to enhance security and privacy pizzaiolo178 anni 41 settimane fa
ProblemaPackage: Slingshot is corrupt G4JC38 anni 42 settimane fa
ProblemaTrisquel defaults to using google's name servers lembas88 anni 42 settimane fa
Forum TopicLibertyBSD - OpenBSD minus the blobs alimiracle1218 anni 44 settimane fa
Forum Topiconline-shopping with tor? torify everything? quantumgravity228 anni 49 settimane fa
ProblemaAbrowser - Link to Firefox Marketplace ssdclickofdeath58 anni 52 settimane fa
ProblemaaBrowser still phones home to mozilla for ad snippets G4JC58 anni 52 settimane fa
Add-onuBlock G4JC09 anni 3 settimane fa
Forum TopicReddit will be giving 10% of their ad revenue to charities based on user voting. Make sure you vote! G4JC179 anni 7 settimane fa
Forum TopicEncrypted offsite backup - a question oysterboy99 anni 7 settimane fa
Forum Topiccan you get i2p on raspberry pi and use computer to access? tonlee69 anni 9 settimane fa
Forum TopicI want to change my email address, but it seems impossible alimiracle69 anni 9 settimane fa
Forum Topicgoogle analytics everywhere a_slacker_here139 anni 9 settimane fa
Forum TopicThe Need for Free and Open HardDrive firmware G4JC99 anni 9 settimane fa
Forum Topicremember the Samsung Galaxy backdoor? muhammed59 anni 9 settimane fa
Forum TopicHow to enable bluetooth? pogiako12345169 anni 10 settimane fa
Forum TopicMy family has smart TVs and I am scared. YoHooComics489 anni 10 settimane fa
Forum TopicOver 300 businesses now whitelisted on AdBlock HuangLao229 anni 11 settimane fa