Jacob K

TipoContenutoAutoreRisposteUltimo aggiornamento
Forum TopicHow to troubleshoot inconsistent printer problems? Jacob K610 ore 59 min fa
Forum TopicDo you recommend Trisquel to others? Jacob K381 giorno 16 ore fa
Forum TopicAvoid non-free javascript and cloudflare mitm emekarmead11 giorno 16 ore fa
Forum TopicResearchers discover first UEFI bootkit malware for Linux knox12 settimane 1 giorno fa
Forum TopicIs there a good way to manage multiple computers running Trisquel? Jacob K22 settimane 6 giorni fa
Forum Topicdate, hwclock, and timedatectl commands - something I noticed Jacob K18 settimane 7 ore fa
Forum TopicWhy does GRUB show the menu by default for EFI devices? Jacob K58 settimane 4 giorni fa
Forum Topicnonfree JavaScript on mycroftproject.com Jacob K19 settimane 4 giorni fa
Forum TopicProposal of a new app by default aleff149 settimane 5 giorni fa
Forum TopicPrinter installation and configuration? llz1910 settimane 3 giorni fa
Forum TopicBrother HL-L2420DW printer support Jacob K310 settimane 3 giorni fa
Forum TopicIs there a way to get email notifications from the forum? Jacob K610 settimane 5 giorni fa
Forum TopicHow can i edit the "Print" command or other hot keys? aleff1210 settimane 5 giorni fa
Forum Topic"Your default search engine has changed." Jacob K4613 settimane 1 giorno fa
Forum TopicWhat to do with some Intel Celeron laptops at work? Jacob K1313 settimane 1 giorno fa
Forum Topicyour view on pureos? tonlee2113 settimane 1 giorno fa
Forum TopicBetter to track down and fix individual problems, or reinstall system? Jacob K117 settimane 4 giorni fa
Forum TopicI can't use Youtube Alternatives (frontend) sam-d161518 settimane 1 giorno fa
Forum TopicUnsure if this program is actuall connecting to the internet or not.... GNUser521 settimane 4 giorni fa