Tor and I2P mirror

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Joined: 03/26/2011
Joined: 10/14/2022

Awesome !

Joined: 03/26/2011

It's easy to install applications and update your Trisquel GNU/Linux-libre over Tor Onion Service mirror:

Open the Terminal (Ctrl+Alt+T) and paste this command to install apt-transport-tor:

sudo apt install apt-transport-tor -y

Now paste this command in the Terminal to change the clearnet default repository to Tor Onion Service:

sudo sed -i 's||tor+http://35pwbq5bpzdclyrdhenxvzv7secmnfv3qhdn4krgdr46yo3k2gnyeeid.onion/|g' /etc/apt/sources.list

Now start and enable Tor:

sudo systemctl enable --now tor

Done. Now you can install applications and update your libre system over Tor repository:
sudo apt update -y && sudo apt upgrade -y

If you want to return to clearnet repository, run this command:
sudo sed -i 's|tor+http://35pwbq5bpzdclyrdhenxvzv7secmnfv3qhdn4krgdr46yo3k2gnyeeid.onion/||g' /etc/apt/sources.list

I'm working on Trisquel repository over I2P.
For now it works with Linux-libre repository perfectly.

Joined: 03/26/2011

GNU Linux-libre (.deb Freesh repository) over Tor

In the Terminal, download the repository:

torsocks wget http://35pwbq5bpzdclyrdhenxvzv7secmnfv3qhdn4krgdr46yo3k2gnyeeid.onion/linux-libre/freesh/pool/main/f/freesh-archive-keyring/freesh-archive-keyring_1.1_all.deb

Now install the repository:

sudo dpkg -i freesh-archive-keyring_1.1_all.deb

And change the clearnet repository to Tor:

sudo sed -i 's|mirror://|tor+http://35pwbq5bpzdclyrdhenxvzv7secmnfv3qhdn4krgdr46yo3k2gnyeeid.onion/linux-libre/freesh|g' /etc/apt/sources.list.d/freesh.sources

If you want the latest kernel version:

sudo apt install linux-libre

If you want to use a long-term support (LTS) kernel version:

sudo apt install linux-libre-lts