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Project Summary Status Priority Category Version Replies Last updatedsort icon Assigned to Created
Trisquel Gnash will not play Youtube videos? wrong normal bug reports 8 12 years 37 weeks 12 years 38 weeks
Trisquel A python process is always zombie active critical bug reports 4 12 years 37 weeks 12 years 42 weeks
Trisquel orca hangs gnome-shell when told to quit active normal bug reports 1 12 years 38 weeks 12 years 38 weeks
Trisquel YouTube video tells me to install Adobe Flash with Gnash installed duplicate normal bug reports 8 12 years 38 weeks upstream 12 years 42 weeks
Trisquel "Set as Desktop Background" from abrowser does not function properly closed minor bug reports 6 12 years 38 weeks 12 years 46 weeks
Trisquel Ability to resize "File Operations" window active minor feature requests 1 12 years 38 weeks upstream 12 years 38 weeks
Trisquel Terminal emulator automatically launches command when using CTRL+SHIFT+V? closed minor bug reports 2 12 years 38 weeks 12 years 51 weeks
Web Overlapping text on front page closed minor bug reports 3 12 years 38 weeks 12 years 40 weeks
Trisquel Update Manager is not Asking for Authorisation Password active critical bug reports 1 12 years 39 weeks 12 years 39 weeks
Web Users do not have permissions to mark issues as "fixed" even if they reported the issue. active normal bug reports 3 12 years 39 weeks 12 years 39 weeks
Web Allow translators to view a list of untranslated pages per language active normal feature requests 1 12 years 39 weeks 12 years 39 weeks
Web Display user translator and member status on user account page active minor feature requests 12 years 39 weeks 12 years 39 weeks
Trisquel Winetricks lists many non-free softwares closed critical bug reports 5 12 years 39 weeks 13 years 5 weeks
Trisquel Many non-free software wrong critical bug reports 9 12 years 39 weeks 13 years 11 weeks
Trisquel Include openoffice math in default install won't fix normal feature requests 2 12 years 39 weeks 13 years 35 weeks
Trisquel issues with my nVidia GeForce 6600 after upgrade - no more high-res available closed normal bug reports 2 12 years 39 weeks 13 years 50 weeks
Trisquel Frets on Fire no arranca closed normal bug reports 3 12 years 39 weeks 12 years 51 weeks
Trisquel no connection to possible closed normal bug reports 3 12 years 39 weeks Cyberhawk 14 years 12 weeks
Trisquel Web Browser's add-ons links can be improved closed normal feature requests 3 12 years 39 weeks 14 years 10 weeks
Trisquel LiveCD splash screen indicates 5.0, not 5.5 closed normal bug reports 2 12 years 39 weeks 12 years 50 weeks
Trisquel Lightning no aparece en Thunderbird closed normal bug reports 2 12 years 39 weeks 14 years 19 weeks
Web Typ0 on add-ons page closed normal bug reports 2 12 years 39 weeks 12 years 44 weeks
Trisquel Standby with the Toshiba Satellite (laptop) is faulty? closed critical bug reports 3 12 years 39 weeks McVoiceX 14 years 6 weeks
Web No obvious "membership" link on main page closed normal feature requests 5 12 years 39 weeks 13 years 24 weeks
Trisquel "ppa-purge" references Ubuntu closed normal bug reports 4 12 years 39 weeks malberts 12 years 44 weeks
Trisquel Falla enviar a 'Correo-e' (Thunderbird) closed minor bug reports 1 12 years 40 weeks 14 years 49 weeks
Trisquel xrdp does not work correctly active normal bug reports 12 years 40 weeks 12 years 40 weeks
Trisquel libqt4-network broken closed normal bug reports 2 12 years 40 weeks 14 years 24 weeks
Trisquel Can't navigate to a previous page in Abrowser 13 closed normal bug reports 4 12 years 40 weeks 12 years 40 weeks
Web Capitalisation of 'english' on non-English home page slides won't fix minor bug reports 1 12 years 40 weeks 12 years 40 weeks
Trisquel Adding an application launcher to the panel causes the window list to disappear closed critical bug reports 3 12 years 41 weeks 13 years 43 weeks
Trisquel Unable to upgrade Gnash via GNU DNS PPA w/o taking out metapackages won't fix normal bug reports 1 12 years 41 weeks 12 years 48 weeks
Trisquel Purge multiverse repo (upstream) won't fix minor tasks 1 12 years 41 weeks 14 years 23 weeks
Web Create web issue : must select version from 1 alternatives active minor bug reports 12 years 41 weeks 12 years 41 weeks
Trisquel Importing bookmark-file in A-Browser failed closed normal bug reports 3 12 years 42 weeks 13 years 24 weeks
Trisquel Make Amarok 1.4 available won't fix normal feature requests 2 12 years 42 weeks 15 years 5 weeks
Trisquel APT needs a patch to become free-software-friendly (confirmed at least for Trisquel 4.5, 5.5) duplicate critical bug reports 2 12 years 42 weeks 12 years 46 weeks
Trisquel ekiga depende de libcapi20-3 pero no esta disponible en los paquetes duplicate normal bug reports 1 12 years 42 weeks 12 years 44 weeks
Trisquel package sweethome3d will not run closed normal bug reports 3 12 years 42 weeks upstream 12 years 50 weeks
Web Forum lists your own posts as new active minor bug reports 12 years 43 weeks 12 years 43 weeks
Trisquel Fresh install has corrupt graphics on Nvidia closed critical bug reports 1 12 years 43 weeks 13 years 34 weeks
Trisquel Multi-tasking with opening Gnome menus and keyboard shortcuts? active normal feature requests 12 years 43 weeks 12 years 43 weeks
Trisquel [regression] sharing a network with other computers no longer works in Brigantia active normal bug reports 1 12 years 43 weeks upstream 12 years 44 weeks
Trisquel Tasksel en instalador no instala LTSP o Desktop active critical bug reports 1 12 years 44 weeks 12 years 44 weeks
Trisquel Power Management help doesn't work. closed minor bug reports 3 12 years 44 weeks upstream 14 years 38 weeks
Trisquel Graphical installer points to non-existent relase notes at closed normal bug reports 2 12 years 44 weeks 12 years 50 weeks
Trisquel Serious Synaptic package manager bug closed normal bug reports 4 12 years 44 weeks upstream 14 years 25 weeks
Trisquel Openchrome driver crashes since upgrade from 4.5 closed critical bug reports 5 12 years 44 weeks upstream 13 years 2 weeks
Trisquel not possible to install kde-full due to missing package active normal bug reports 12 years 44 weeks 12 years 44 weeks
Trisquel 'apache2' package missing on -brigantia- repositories closed critical bug reports 2 12 years 44 weeks 12 years 50 weeks