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Project Summary Status Priority Category Version Replies Last updatedsort icon Assigned to Created
Trisquel apt: links don't work active minor bug reports 2 12 years 24 weeks 12 years 24 weeks
Trisquel Trisquel-mini is forgetting desktop settings closed normal bug reports 4 12 years 24 weeks 13 years 18 weeks
Trisquel gnome-system-monitor should be visible in the menu active minor feature requests 12 years 24 weeks 12 years 24 weeks
Trisquel No se instalan 3 paquetes de gnome-media al actualizar closed normal bug reports 1 12 years 24 weeks 13 years 51 weeks
Trisquel Broadcom BCM4313 don't use the good drivers wrong normal bug reports 4 12 years 24 weeks 12 years 25 weeks
Trisquel bad /etc/fstab causes not recognicement of usb memories needs more info normal bug reports 2 12 years 25 weeks 13 years 19 weeks
Trisquel Bad Auto-partition needs more info normal bug reports 1 12 years 25 weeks 13 years 47 weeks
Trisquel mini connection established notifications needs more info normal bug reports 2 12 years 25 weeks 14 years 24 weeks
Trisquel Ubuntu trademarks are non-free duplicate normal bug reports 3 12 years 25 weeks 12 years 26 weeks
Trisquel Plymouth Logo - Kernel Boot Messages closed normal bug reports 2 12 years 25 weeks 13 years 43 weeks
Trisquel "suspend to ram" icons are missing in slaine themes closed normal bug reports 3 12 years 25 weeks 13 years 52 weeks
Trisquel The Log Out Button is sometimes dimmed? closed normal bug reports 2 12 years 25 weeks 14 years 21 weeks
Trisquel HP DC7900 with quad core 2.67ghz and 2 gb of ram freezes. closed normal bug reports 3 12 years 25 weeks 13 years 24 weeks
Trisquel Request Cinelerra to be added to repo active normal support requests 1 12 years 25 weeks upstream 13 years 2 weeks
Trisquel Syslog spam: "unable to enumerate USB device on port #" patch (ready) normal bug reports 2 12 years 25 weeks upstream 13 years 27 weeks
Trisquel converting MPEG-4 AAC audio to Vorbis in oggconvert causes static active normal bug reports 3 12 years 26 weeks upstream 12 years 32 weeks
Trisquel Abrowser has text cursor on pages wrong normal bug reports 6 12 years 26 weeks 12 years 27 weeks
Web URLs of non-english forums by design minor bug reports 1 12 years 26 weeks 12 years 29 weeks
Trisquel HP Pavilion dm4t - Cannot see live desktop when booting from CD closed normal bug reports 4 12 years 27 weeks PikalaxALT 12 years 39 weeks
Trisquel Line ending: Unix/Linux active normal feature requests 1 12 years 28 weeks 12 years 28 weeks
Trisquel GNOME Control Center - Accessibility: settings are not saved active normal bug reports 12 years 28 weeks 12 years 28 weeks
Trisquel upgrade 5.5 breaks "Wired Connection 1" active normal bug reports 1 12 years 28 weeks 12 years 45 weeks
Trisquel Abrowser comes with a bad root certificate closed critical bug reports 7 12 years 28 weeks 12 years 42 weeks
Trisquel Fallo configuracion servidor LTSP duplicate normal bug reports 3 12 years 28 weeks kakashi 12 years 33 weeks
Trisquel Modem ZTE no conecta automáticamente active normal bug reports 3 12 years 28 weeks upstream 12 years 32 weeks
Trisquel Abrowser – FIPS not working in 5.0 and 5.5 needs more info critical bug reports 1 12 years 28 weeks 12 years 40 weeks
Trisquel mini Can't easily change desktop wallpaper can't reproduce normal feature requests 1 12 years 29 weeks 12 years 30 weeks
Trisquel La 3G ne fonctionne pas... active critical bug reports 1 12 years 29 weeks upstream 12 years 38 weeks
Trisquel The Triskel standard package clementine 'recommends' non-free Spotify blob closed critical bug reports 2 12 years 29 weeks leny2010 12 years 29 weeks
Web Error al adjuntar archivos en los reportes closed normal bug reports 5 12 years 29 weeks 14 years 51 weeks
Trisquel Abrowser does not execute from Bash with the -g flag set closed normal bug reports 2 12 years 29 weeks 12 years 41 weeks
Trisquel problema con el módem needs more info normal bug reports 3 12 years 29 weeks joao_panda 14 years 22 weeks
Trisquel Problemas con la codificación de caracteres (character encoding) de "nautilus-image-converter" active minor bug reports 1 12 years 29 weeks upstream 14 years 39 weeks
Trisquel No abren los manuales en varias aplicaciones preinstaladas closed normal bug reports 3 12 years 29 weeks 12 years 49 weeks
Trisquel Ayuda por favor, Trisquel no apaga closed critical feature requests 3 12 years 29 weeks guevaragnu 13 years 29 weeks
Trisquel Acer Aspire 5720 se apaga inesperadamente closed normal bug reports 1 12 years 29 weeks 14 years 42 weeks
Trisquel "Ubuntu está funcionando en un modo gráfico de baja resolución" needs more info normal bug reports 1 12 years 29 weeks 14 years 42 weeks
Trisquel Release Notes say "this is a development release" closed minor bug reports 2 12 years 30 weeks 13 years 48 weeks
Web Actualizar la página de caracterísiticas closed minor feature requests 3 12 years 30 weeks 16 years 17 weeks
Trisquel Tatan 1.0 - License Not Found closed critical bug reports 15 12 years 30 weeks 15 years 29 weeks
Web Feature Request: Report post button for forum active normal feature requests 2 12 years 31 weeks 12 years 31 weeks
Trisquel la ubicacion del calendario al desplegarlo es anormal active normal bug reports 2 12 years 31 weeks 13 years 41 weeks
Web Overlapping alt texts active minor bug reports 3 12 years 31 weeks 13 years 2 weeks
Trisquel El sistema no respeta mis aplicaciones preferidas closed normal bug reports 2 12 years 32 weeks 14 years 52 weeks
Trisquel Los íconos del panel se desorganizan solos closed normal bug reports 1 12 years 32 weeks 15 years 5 weeks
Trisquel Información sobre los paquetes no válida - Update Manager closed critical bug reports 1 12 years 32 weeks 14 years 30 weeks
Trisquel Update to Kernel 3.3 won't fix normal tasks 2 12 years 32 weeks 12 years 32 weeks
Web Please anchor Registered users on Community page active minor feature requests 12 years 32 weeks 12 years 32 weeks
Trisquel ia32-libs does not install /usr/lib32/ (upstream bug) closed normal bug reports 4 12 years 34 weeks upstream 12 years 51 weeks
Trisquel blender fails to encode audio in ogg theora closed normal bug reports 4 12 years 35 weeks upstream 12 years 46 weeks