How can I watch youtube videos?
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I used to watch Youtube videos using a free software Greasemonkey script in IceCat. But recently, Google made the entire Youtube website reliant on JavaScript. This means that I can't watch Youtube videos that way anymore.
Does anyone here know a way to watch and download videos from Youtube?
Smtube, also you can block any smtube's JS in smtube's config file. Same with cookies.
I'm trying it now, but where can I find its config file?
Nevermind, it makes it in ~/.config/smplayer/ when you start the program.
It works nicely, thanks!
I'm new to Trisquel, is Smtube the same as SMPlayer? or do I have to update the package to find it on my new install?
SMTube is not in Trisquel's repository. It is in a PPA (read for the different ways to install a program):
$ sudo add-apt-repository ppa:rvm/smplayer
$ sudo apt update
$ sudo apt install smtube
Alternatively, the PPA can be added with a graphical interface: "Software & Updates" in the "System Settings" (in the "Other Software" tab, "Add..." the line "deb trusty main"). And the "Synaptic Package Manager" (in the "System Settings" too) can "Reload" the package information and be used to install "smtube" (double-click on the related row, and twice on the "Apply" button).
Thank you Magic Banana.
I was qued to update cache...
Does smplayer download youtbe videos too?
Yes, I read and didn't comprehend:
"mpv url -> stream vid
youtube-dl url -> download vid
mps-youtube -> search, browse, play, download vids"
What does that mean?
how do you download videos?
Technically, if you watch from you computer a video that was not on your computer, then you necessarily downloaded it.
I personally use ViewTube:
- Add GreaseMonkey to the Web browser through
- Download the ViewTube (and, if you wish, the ViewTube+) script from
- Enjoy.
I use Unplug for sites that neither ViewTube nor ViewTube+ supports:
Both ViewTube and Unplug allow to save the video in two clicks. See for these solutions and more.
ViewTube doesn't seem to work without scripts enabled anymore. UnPlug still works, though.
Hmm. ViewTube works with LibreJS that tells that it "did not allow the execution of any scripts on this page".
>Yes, I read and didn't comprehend:
"mpv url -> stream vid
youtube-dl url -> download vid
mps-youtube -> search, browse, play, download vids"
What does that mean?
how do you download videos?
Open up a terminal and write:
sudo apt-get install mpv youtube-dl
You just installed the two applications, namely 'the best video player a human has ever made' and a tool for downloading videos from youtube and more than a hundred other websites using flash, that is 'the most ubiquitous malware a human has ever made'.
Now that you have the two installed, in terminal:
which will stream da teletubbies :P
which will download the teletubbies vid in the highest vid quality by default. The tool has a metric ton of --options, some of them are very useful. To know more and learn use 'man' --> man youtube-dl. The 'man', short for manual, is your gold, you want to take care of your gold, you want to learn your gold :)
As far as mps-youtube the way I do it is I use python-pip. Newer versions of it will not ask for sudo and will download the python applications in your /home. Older versions asked for sudo (terrible practice for installing code outside your distribution repo) unless you gave them explicitly the --user option. I think you have the old version of it. So, the procedure is the following -->
sudo apt install python3-pip
You installed pip, the python package installer
pip3 install --user mps-youtube
This will install mps-youtube
To upgrade mps-youtube:
pip3 install --upgrade --user mps-youtube
If you decide to go the pip way, then I recommend you also install youtube-dl that way (and not via apt) as the version in your repo is terribly outdated..
To launch mps-youtube:
Now you have dem tools - may dem teletubbies fill your hard drive with profound joy :)
EDIT: dangit, I forgot. You will need to add the PATH to the executables, that is in case you listen to my advice and use --user option to not give the damn thing sudo..
Add this to your .bashrc in /home
* replace 'user' with your username
I have to confess, I've just been using YouTube's non-free JS, but this is fricking sweet - thanks! :D
Do you know if there is any libre way to watch an Amazon Prime video? My wife has an account and I tried to watch a vid the other day, but it wouldn't play, presumably because of plugin issues. I assume it must be using Silverlight or Flash?
>Do you know if there is any libre way to watch an Amazon Prime video?
I wouldn't know. I seriously doubt it. :/
>I recommend you also install youtube-dl that way (and not via apt) as the version in your repo is terribly outdated..
Outdated? in Trisquel youtube-dl isn't outdated...
What are you talking about? maybe you use Debian?
Here for Debian users:
Thanks SuperTramp83 - my terse speaking friend ;)
Maybe one day I will comprehend forum speak and no longer require the verbose mode.
A slight detail: youtube-dl may be running nonfree JavaScript in the background. AVideo is a drop-in replacement and will work with any program that uses youtube-dl:
I'll have to learn how to operate the SMTube features - but why after launching it loads up
What is (uses something called Totem) and how do I get rid of it?
Moments ago, while trying to find the answer to my above question, I read this:
> "smtube has essentially become a web browser that relies heavily upon for its functionality. The problem is that it appears according to the terms of use found at that it is not released under a free license making smtube heavily dependent upon non-free software which undermines those that wish to use it because it is free software."
So doesn't this mean it is not "free" and I should remove it?
Related to that, do you stop using youtube or do you have a app that searches and download youtube videos without going to the url?
AVideo is like youtube-dl but does not run the nonfree JavaScript that youtube-dl does:
for firefox i use Video Assistant with mpv. so videos auto start
playing in a mpv window. great for watching vids in the
background while doing other stuff. I shrunk the window down with
always (stay) ontop set.
>Does anyone here know a way to watch and download videos from Youtube?
mpv url -> stream vid
youtube-dl url -> download vid
mps-youtube -> search, browse, play, download vids
*Warning, VERBOSE mode initiating in 3.2.1...
THAT WAS AWESOME terminal command line magic!
I want to climb the walls and shout in joy.
The commands executed (with 2 errors that auto-corrected by patch upgrade without user input) and finished with no unexpected information requiring a fix -YAY!
I can scroll up and review all the executed commands, now this is what I call hands-on-the-job-training.
I disliked da teletubbies but when I inserted a tutorial-video url it played flawlessly and I downloaded it too!
Again without a flaw!
Take me out to the ball game... I saw a homerun hit out of the ball-park - the crowd's thunderous cheers are deafening!
More - more- command magic please :)
>I disliked da teletubbies but when I inserted a tutorial-video url it played flawlessly and I downloaded it too!
Heh, yeah I hate them too :D
Just didn't want to link the usual cat vid so I thought I should annoy you with some tubbies..
This is very anoying as i have always navigated on the Youtube site with NoScript and Youtube not in the white liste, or cross domain,it is now a white page with or without TBB.I rarely watch in situ, mostly download.
Qupzilla or Midori with Grease Monkey scripts such as ViewTube work fine, but the security features & configurations are not comparable and missing (IceCat, Abrowser, TBB vs Qupzilla) such as fingerprinting.
Sadly it looks like one has to enable Javascript in order to even search Youtube.
SMtube has one issue is that the application connects over (unsecure) HTTP to, & persistant cookies are stored in ~/home/md/.config/smtube/
as Vita_cell pointed out this can be disabled in smtube.ini (all cookies & Js) though firejail seems to take care of that ie blocking the cookies too.

The mps-youtube method that was mentioned above seems to be working quite well for me, although there are some vids it doesn't seem to be able to pull and it seems to crash out completely if I search the name of most well-known musical artists (e.g. Pink Floyd, Metallica).
>there are some vids it doesn't seem to be able to pull and it seems to crash
True, the search is not very thorough although I find my vids most of the time.
It never ever crashed here, not once, and I've been using it for a year or so.
It crashed a couple of times on me already, I think it happens when I try to jump back & forward in the video.
I may switch to VLC...
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