How to mirror Trisquel, and other free distros?
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I see has a mirror for the free software distros.
And§ion=all has mirror programs.
Does anyone know if setting up a mirror is like using a torrent?
I see torrenting files can help reduce server load, though I do not know how much memory it takes to mirror distros like Trisquel.
I can check before downloading a torrent to see it's size and if I wish to torrent all, or just some of the files, but I have not tried making a mirror yet.
Or if a public mirror could be made in a way like a public torrent can be made.
And should a mirror be setup to help distros like Trisquel on "a normal Trisquel system" like torrents can, or should something else be done?
I see
has a graphical interface for rsync, though if rsync is better for setting up a mirror I could try to learn how to use that or other programs.
Also if there is a better link to mirror Trisquel than the fsf one I can lookup that one.
have some information and questions about mirrors, but I do not know how up to data both of these are.
I also did not know if all I need to build Trisquel is just the Trisquel iso image and the sources Tarball found and torrented at
or other things I have seen at
like the
But if public mirrors can be made easily that could help me and others both build other things as well and reduce load on servers.
Here is the documentation regarding mirroring Trisquel (what requires a server constantly running, with a large-enough disk and a lot of bandwidth):
You can download an ISO on (button "Download Torrent") and seed it.
Thank you for the information.
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